Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/701

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 113. 1918. 683 Escal ear nineteen hundred and eighteen, or prior ears: Provided P’•”’*°•· That there shall be paid hereunder any necessary Edost of keepin, atvessels or other property attached or hbeled in admirality in such amount as the court, on petition setting forth the facts under oath, P . . may allow : Provided further, That marshals and office deputy marshals v?5$§f'§,l`i§*§{S*°”°°‘ (except in the district of Alaska) may be granted a per diem of not to exceed $4 and $3, respectively, m lieu of subsistence, instead of, but under the conditions prescribed for, the present allowance for actual expenses of subsistence. _ _ For salaries of United States district attorneys and expenses of $§§@§“§"{,‘f,*’séx_ United States district attorneys and their regular assistants, includ- P·=¤¤¢S- ing the omce expenses of United States district attorneys in Alaska, _ _ and for salaries of regularly appointed clerks to United States dis- “““"g W trict attorne s for services rendered during vacancy in the office of the United Sitates district attorney, $660,000. _ _ For fees of United States district attorney for the District of -]I.?§§‘°§,g°§,‘§§§“{f$; Columbia, $33,300. ¤¤y· The United States district attomey for the District of Columbia ,,,;§“,j}‘,§’f‘“°° ‘°' Sm shall hereafter pay to his deputies or assistants not exceeding in all ’ $15,000 per annum; also his clerical and messenger hire not exceeding $10,000; office rent, fuel, stationery, printing, and other incidental expenses not exceeding $2,500, out of the fees of his office: Provided, §’Qf,Q§;,,,,_ That no expenses other than those above specifiedshall be allowed: B bs, Providedfurther, That after July first, nineteen hundred and eighteen, m£wn§¤i°l.'i°§e°¤°}l]°W` the maximum allowance for actual expenses of subsistence to the United States attorney for the District o Columbia and his assistants, when absent from the District of Columbia on official business, shall be $4 per day. _ For rggular assistants to United States district attorneys who are B°g°l"””°°“°s‘ appoint by the Attorney General at a fixed annual compensation, _ $385,000: Provided, That except as otherwise prescribed by law the §,C°,§,'f,§’;,,,, p,,_ compensation of such of the assistant district attorneys authorized V°'· 2% P- 18*- by section eight of the Act approved May twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, as the ttomey General may deem necessary, may be fixed at not exceeding $3,000 per annum. Mmmm In S cm For assistants to the Attorney General and to United States dis- em. W ` trict attorneys employed by the Attorney General to aid in special cases, and for payment of foreign counsel employed by the Attorney F°'°i‘" °°“'”°l‘ General in special cases (such counsel shall not be required to take g¤°g· sec 366 6,, oath of office in accordance with section three hundred and sixty-six, " ’°° " Revised Statutes of the United States), $175,000. Cmky, S For fees of clerks, $235,000: Provided, That courts of the United 1>»q»a·»i°` States, including ap ellate courts, hereafter shall be open to seamen, “‘“" "”°°m°°· without furnishing bonds or prepayment of or making deposit to secure fees or costs, for the purpose of entering and prosecuting suit or suits in their own name an for their own bene t for wages or salvage and to enforce laws made for their health and safety: Provided further, That the Attorney General is authorized to require the an ubc official bonds of clerks of United States courts to be renewed every R°°" · °°”' four years, and to iix the amoimts of such bonds within statutory I limits. Failure to take such action shall not affect the liability .,,2m°°”°°°°° °°m' under such bonds, but upon failure or refusal of ancy clerk to execute such new bond or bonds his office shall be deeme vacant by order of the President and so declared by the district attorney in o en Nmmmbmm my court: Provided {urther, That no part of this apagopriation shallpbe met of commas suupeéiopo pgy the ees of the clerk o the Supreme urt of the District P';',§‘,j'°,§“{‘“;g o um ia. E { , For fees of United States commissioners and justices of the peace seg? °wS'°tc" acting under section one thousand and fourteen, Revised Statutes of the United States, $175,000. mmqw For fees of jurors, $1,150,000. `