Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/723

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 114. 1918. 705 thereof; all charges pertaining to the Navy Department and its bureaus for ice for the cooling of drmking water on shore (except at naval hospitals), telephone rentals and tolls, telegrams, cablegrams and postage, foreign domest1c, and post-office box rentals; and othennecessary and incidental expenses: Promded, That the sum to Pmqam. _ be paid out of this appcraolprnation, under the du·ection of the Secretary M°,l§§‘,f,?§§§°,;§2F,§‘,j§f° of the Navy, for cleri , inspection, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nine- I teen hundred and nineteen, shall not exceed $500,000, and for neces- p,i§{}§§'§§$P,$,Y°,$“’““d sary expenses for the mterned persons and prisoners of war under the ]ur1sd1ction of the Navy Department, including funeral expenses for such Cgnterned pergpns or prisoner;) of waeré as rlrhnaay illice uigldeggpch Chim for as _ juris iction; in a , $4 350000: t re ter the re- ,i tary of the Navy is atithoiized to consider, ascertain, adjust, deter- i¤i*$=¤v§>i%¤gr;£6~r?&-by mine, and pay the amounltis Sue on al; claim]; for damages to and loss ` of private roperty of in a itants 0 any uropean oonmtry not an enemy or allly of an enemy when the amoimt of the does not exceed the sum of $1,000, occasioned and caused by men m the naval ?.§"l°2fd§’“Eg ¤Zl*° "‘£°tZ %§£}£°£.’$§“?·§" ifiS$5i‘“°“°‘ S°“1°` en uc c HDS e aneous. The A<}t entitled "?.n Act to pgogide adgtiioxgal progection for the $’§§f"‘°§;, ,, 85, owners 0 atents o the Unite tates, an or other p oses " ¤¤¤¤<M- ’ ' approved Jline twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, shalllbe, arid e same is hereby, amended to read as follows, namely: "That whenever an invention described in and covered bty a patent ui‘§’Y"I,,,,{§",,,,b,{,°‘{,“,,*;' of the United Statesshall hereafter be used or manufacture by or for g;1¤tgg¢Lrtg by tm the United States without license of the owner thereof or lawful right to use or manufacture the same, such owne1·’s remedy shall be by suit ‘ against the United States in the Court of Claims for the recovery of · l1gis n2l;llp and Igiiiltire com&;msation for such use and manufacture: I , I r c , ever, at said urt of shall not entertam a sint ciumbuma. or award oompensation_under the provisions of this Act where the claim for compensation is based on the use or manufacture by or for the United States of any article heretofore owned, leased, used by, or in the possession of the United States: Provided further, That in any D°’°”°“ °“°"°‘· such suit the United States may avail itself of any and all defenses, general or special, that might be pleaded by a defendant in an action or infringement, asset forth m Title Sixty of the Revised Statutes, or maagauplgyxovtg. othermse: And provtdedghrther, That the benefits of Act shall not ,m,nc,ug°d{ · • ·· inure to any patentee w o, when he makes such claim, is in the employment or service of the Government of the United States, or the assignee of any such patentee; nor shall this Act apply to any device discgvered or invented by such employee *d1n·ing e time of his em oyment or service." The Secretary of the Navy is authorized in leas' water-front ,§?§;,'j,§‘§ _,,f‘mf,’:i property from any State or mimicipality where thlilimate law or State. om, www chartir of jlie 1(rlu1nil;:i}Ialality1;1§·equires that the itxlppxiovemleints placed "°°°°` upon ease an s s a at e termination 0 e ease ecome the property of the State or municipality, to provide, as a part or all of the_ consideration therefor, that improvements placed thereon by the United States shall become the property of the lessor upon the expiration of the lease or any renewa thereof. W b N That hereafter the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to cause vmKg° Y °° vessels under control adapted to the pmpose, to afford salvage _ service to public or private vessels in distress: Provided, That when §0'§,,"p‘§,;,,,,,,,L such salvage service is rendered by a vessel lapecially equipped for the purpose or by a tug, the Secretary of the avy may determine and collect reasonable compensation therefor. mma, Coxrmezur, N Aw: For all emergencies and extraordinary ex- ' penses, exclusive of gprsonal SGIVICGS in the Navy Department, or any of its subordinate ureaus or offices at Washington, District of 112460°—vox. 40—r·r 1—45