Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/740

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722 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 114. 1918. B°°°"°¤°PPl*°°- Rmsmnva OBDNANCE strrrnmsz For reserve and miscellaneous gglé Obugauom ordnance su lies, $63,000,000: Provided, That $30,500,000 of this am,,4a1. amount shalllze available to meet obligations authorized under this heading in the Act of October sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, Torpedo St mon and the Act of March twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and seventeen. Newport, iz. 1. ’ Tonrnno STATION, Nnwroirr, Rnonn ISLAND! For labor and material; neral care of and repairs to grounds, buildings, and wharves; Egats, instruction, instruments, tools, experiments, and general torpedo outfits, $200,000. ““°l”""°t°‘ For new and improved machinery and tools for torpedo factory, $200,000. E"°'““‘“‘“"'°"‘· Exrnnnmirrs, Burman or Onnnancmz For e erimental work in the development of armonpiercingl and torpdilh shell and other proiectiles, fuses, powders, and hig explosives, in connection with pro lems of the attack of armor with direct and inclined fire at various ranges, including the purchase of armor, powder, projectiles, and fuses for the above purposes and of all necessary material and labor in connection therewith; and for other experimental work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance in connection with the development of ordnance material for the Navy $385,000. °°‘“"""“*· Comrmomrr, Bnnmau or 0m>NaNcm: For miscellaneous items, namely, cartage exfpenses of light and water at ammunition depots and stations, tolls, erriage, tec nical books, and incidental expenses _ attending inspection of ordnance material, $50,000. §,§Y,,g‘;“‘,f,,*},'¤{,‘§f,;,,,_ Navy mma m¤r0·r: For the erection and equipment of a depot nigga for the storage of explosives and the loading of mines, on a ’ P" "‘"’ “°°· site to be selected an by the President, $3,000,000. §gY,D';,'“:`ff,,{,’{;#,;}f; Navy mrnarm rnazrrz or the erection, equipment, and operation nzdopenrlna of a plant for the fixation of atmospheric nitro en, production of synthetic ammonia, its oxidation to nitric acid, and the manufacture of ammonium nitrate, for each and every expense connected therewith, including the employment of all necessary e ert, drafting, and clerical assistance, $9,150,000, to be available unllil) expended. D§§‘.§‘T°° °'Y“'°’ °"° mmnau or yarns ami nocxs. ““*°”°'”‘°°°· Manrrmzaacn, Burman or Yaans arm Docxs: For general maintenance of yards and docks, namely, for books, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of engines; iire apparatus and plants; machinery, operation or repair, plurchase; maintenance of prges and driving taarius; galrts, timber w eels, and all vehicles, including motor- rope e an o awn r-carryi vehicles to be used onl§ for official purposes, an g motoilgiropelled vehicles for freight-carrying purposes only for use in the navy yards; tools and repair of the same; stationery; furniture for Government houses and offices in navy yards and naval stations; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; attendance on light and power plants; cleaning and clearing up yards and care of buildings; attendance on iires, lights, fire engines, and fire apparatus and plants; incidental labor at navy yards; water tax, tolls, and ferriage; pay of watchmen repeat. _ mnavyyards; awnings and packing boxes; and or payforemployees C“’”"°'*°"°‘·’°'"°°“‘ on leave, $10,500,000; Promded, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for c erical, inspection, drafting, messenger, and other classified work in the navy yards and naval stations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, shall not exceed $2,000,000: ge§a¤‘{g0¤g1$_$bggs,g§,#,;*_; Proqyidegifunhar, That no part of any appropriation contained in this Act sh be used for the purchase of more than one hundred and fifteen gassengencarrying automobiles for official use within the mea renriction. United tates and its insular possessions: And prcvidefl-Ifurther,That no part of any appropriation contained in this Act sh be used for