Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/744

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726 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 114. 1918. pose $360,000 is hereby appropriated or so much thereof as may be necess . N°" Y°"‘ H°“’°" Nmjg M.?e§izrNE, Nnw Yom: HARBOR! Quarters for marine officer and me 'ca officer, $18,000. ’°"“ L“'“’°“"·N·Y· lNAvA1. MAGAZINE, Foirr LAFAYETTE, NEW Yorurz Dredging channe $26,000. §‘§‘,‘g‘}&?,,‘;,‘}"§‘§‘,§;,1ji"‘ NAVAL MAGAZINE, LAKE DENMARK, NEW Jmzsnrz The President is authorized to ac uire Imder the authority and provisions of this Act additional land for increasing ordnance facilities in the vicinity of the naval magazine, Lake Denmark, New Jersey; and for this purpose $18,000 is hereby appropriated or so much thereof as may be necess . . ,,¥‘,,',‘;P:,{f;_§,§,;,,_ &¥0B.PED0 STATION Nnwroar, Rnonn ISLAND, BUILDINGS.! Boathouse and diving school, $100,000; emergency torpedo repair shop, $100,000; extension of industrial roads, $20,000; extension of sea. wall, $5,000; rebuilding carpenter shop, $25,000; imuprovements central power plant systems, including quay wall and ii at power house, $800,000; in all, $1,050,000. _ _ ·*d*”**°¤*"¤¤*‘· The President IS authorized to acquire under the authority and provisions of this Act additional land for increasing ordnance facilities m the vicinity of the naval torpedo station, Newport, Rhode Island; and for this purpose $100,000 is hereby appropriated or so much T thereof as may be necessary. _ _ °’*’°d°"°”’g°· Tonrnno STORAGE! For additional storage for torpedoes at ordnance stations, $250,000. F“°*d°¤‘?°’· DE1>o·rs1a·on COAL! For depots forcoal and other fuel, Guantanamo, Cuba, $90,000; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, $40,000; P•§el|;Sound, Washington, $60,000; San D'iygo, California, $70,000; e Island, California; $270,000; Mel e, Rhode Island, $160,000; contingent,

30,000; care and custody of naval petroleum reserves, $10,000; in

, $750,000. m¤gj{g¤i=* *¤*i¤*¤¢ NAVAL ·rnArNrNo s·rAr1oN, CALIFORNIA, BUILDINGS! Water supply, $65,000; roads and streets, $10,000; in all, $75,000. }’,·8?“$,]_¤1gr¤;c¤é, MARINE BARBACKS, PEKING, CHJNA: Power plant, $25,000; bai·· ` rack buildings, to complete, $85,000; in all, $110,000. mgR:;gdtigu{¤¤¤¤¤ mia NAVAL TRAINING STATION, Rnonn ISLAND, BUILDINGS! Sea-wall ` improvements, $225,000; remodeling boathouse, $20,000; officers’ quarters, $15,000; fire apparatus house and garage, $30,000; in all, $290,000. ’*‘“““°““"°“°· The President is authorized to acquire under the authority and revisions of this Act additional land for the enlargggent of the Naval Training Station, Narragansett Bay, Newport, ode Island, and for this purpose $100,000 is hereby appropriated or so much thereof as may be necessary. ,,§,'§2f '*°"°""‘”*"8 NAVAL TRAINING STATION, ILLINOIS, Bmr.mNos: Dredging harbor, $35,000. ‘*°‘""‘“‘““""’· The President is authorized to acquire under the authority and rovisions of this Act additional land for the enlargement of the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois, and for this purpose $887,500 is hereby appropriated or so much thereof as may be neces- §f,‘},§;i§,§’;§;’{,;,,,,,_ SmgAnmE BA1uzAcKs, SAN Drnco, CALrr0aNIA: Toward the establishment of a Marine Corps base, $1,500,000. F“°‘“°P°‘· NAVAL Frm. Dm>o·r, SAN Dmoo, CALIFORNIA! Marine railway, Hampton Rmds, Va. 5 1 75¤000‘ Navalbase. NAVAL OrEnA·rINe BASE, IIAMPTON Rows, VraorN1A: Toward ·*””·¤·2"’~ water-front_1mprovements permanent Improvements to station, mmm and _ including piers, bulkheads, filling, grading, and so forth, $3,000,000. umm. mm Rmrams AND PRESERVATION AT NAVY YAm>s: For re airs and preservation at navy yards, fuel depots, fuel plants, and) stations, $4,000,000. ‘