Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/805

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 130. 1918. 787 watch, $1,200; two lieutenants of the watch, at $840 each; seventy watchmen; carpenter, $1,000; electrician, $1,200; machinist, $1,000; painter, $1,0QO;JJlumbe1‘, $1,000; three dynamo tenders, at $900 each; mne skille laborers or mechanics, at $840 each; messenger; foreman of laborers, $840; sixteen firemen; twenty-five elevator conductors, at $720 each; twenty-five laborers; three second-class Eremen, at $660 each; four forewomen of charwomen, at $300 each; sixty-seven charwomen; gardener, $720; attendant, $480; in all, $151 300. For fuegdights, repairs, us items, printing, city direc- mmmt °xP°°S°" tories an 'ctionitfy, $48,800. NAiY DEPARTMENT Armax NEW Yom: Avnmm NEAR SEvEN- N°" "°"°" TEENTH STREET NORTHWESTZ Engineer, $1,200; six firemeir five elevator conductors, at $720 each; seven watchmen; skilled laborer, $840; four laborers; forewoman, $300; nine charwomen; in all, $20 100. Fior fuel lights, repairs, and miscellaneous items, $8,000. STATE ]5EPARTMENT Armnxz Laborer, $660. _,f§‘,,§§ D°P“"·“‘°“" WAR AND NAYY DEPARTMENT Buunmes (Hmunr PAmr Raman- Hwy Pvk Build- VATION)Z For the following employees for the maintenance and pre- mikaem superintection of the buil , at annual rates of compensation, as follows: *°“"°"*· ‘f’°"‘f·°’°· Ante, p 508 Assistant superipten ent, $2,000; glerks-—one of class three, one of c ass two two o c ass one one at 1000· three messengers at $720 each; electricians-chief $l,400, two ht $l,200 each, three dt $1,000 each; two plumbers, at $1,200 each; machinist, $1,200; foreman, $1,500; two pa1nters,$at&}6200 elachtiufour carpc% at $1,200 each; two carpenters at 1 eac · ee swit operators at $1,000 each; teh general mechanics,. at $1,000 each; chief engiiieer, $1,400; assistant engineers four at $1,200 each; steamfitter, $1,080; iiremen-—seven at $840 each, eleven at $720 each; laborers——foreman $1,000, fifty at $660 each; nine female laborers, at $480_ each; °“""’“°‘ guards——capta1n $1,600, three lieutenants at $1,000 each, six sergeants at $840 each, one hundred and fifty-five at $720 each; charwomen—four forewomen at $300 each, eighty at $240 each; in all, $245 700. Fer fuel, lights, repairs motorcycle repairs and supplies, miscellap °"‘"""°”‘°‘*’°‘°°" neous items, printing, and city directories, $90,000. mw Dapmm t ED . NAVY DEPARTMENT. Omen or THE Sncnmuarz Secretary of the Navy, $12,000; aaSiT°$ZY' A°°m°“°' Assistant Secretary,:1$5i;)00; ggiief clerk, $3,000; private secretary to Secretary $2 500· er to cretary $2 250; private secretary to Assistant,Seci·etai·y, $2,400; clerk to, Assistant Secretary, $2,000; disbursing clerk, $2,250; appomtment clerk, $2,000; estimate clerk, $1,800; stenograph;->l1;·s—ope;l $1,8010; on<;i$1,2})Oi one $1,020; c1•;r5s—— oneofcassfour,t eeo asst ee, veo casstwo veo ass one, one $1,100, six at $1,000 each, one $900; three copérists; carpenter, $900; four messengers; four assistant messengers; our laborers; raiiiassenger boys—four at $600 each, one $420, one $400, one $360; in $82 860. ',I`Ein;o1zAinr YE£ES2 For the euipggment 05 sulch additional a;°mp°""y °mpl°y` temporar orce o c er s messengers, a rers, an other assistants as in the iudgment of the Secretary of the Navy may be necessary to the transaction of official business in the Navy Department an its Dmbutm buggius apdlpflziscces on account of the existing emergency, as follows: ceo the cretary $20,000; Office of the Solicitor, $1,804; Office of the Judge Advocate General, $21,500; Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, $100,000; Office of Naval Intelligence, $10,000;