Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/838

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820 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 137. 1918. m§°,%'°§,,g;3ggg¤“”“ BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION. P“'“1‘”°" *"°°" °l°‘ For all needful and proper_ purchases, experiments, and tests to ascertain, with a view to their ut1l1zation_by the Government, the most effective uns, small arms, cartridges, progectiles, fuses, explosives, torpe%oes, armor plates, and other implements and engines of war, and to purchase or cause to be manufactured, under authority of the Secretary of War, such guns, carriages, armor lates, and other war material as may ir1 the judtgrnent of the board, be necessary in the §roper discharge of the duty evolved upon it by V°L ’5*p·"8°• the Act a proved eptember twenty-second, eighteen hundred and $};",f¤2*{,¤Ij··g*g,¤;,b°’· eighty-eight; salary of the civilian member of the board and for his ’ ' necessary traveling expenses when traveling on dutggias provrded by the Act of February twenty-fourth, eighteen hun d and ninety- P di one; necessary expenses of the board, including rent of offices in the °' °"* District of Colum ia, at not exceeding $900 per annum, and a per Tam Bw diem allowance of $2.50 to each officer detailed to serve thereon, ' when employed on duty away from his (permanent station; test of experimenta guns, carriages, and other evrces procured in accordance with the recommendation of the board, $50,000 the expenditure of which shall be made by the several b1n·eaus of the war Dgpartment heretofore ha 'urisdiction of the same, or by the boar itself, as i;ii;°?E`°i¤ use uma. the Secretary of liar may direct: Provided, That before any money “°°- shall be expended in the construction or test of any gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements under the supervision of the said board, the board shall be satisned, after due inquiry, that the Government of the United States has a lawful right to use the inventions involved in the construction of such gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements, or that the construction or test is made at the request of a person either having such lawful right or authorized to ` Mm _ I t be M corévey ésheliaxziqltio th; Gc8i1vernm§nt.d d h f bm , .¤¤ °,,,, nc. . a mam urcaseunerte rovisionsof mm Act shall be of American mal)1ufacture, except in clfises when, in the 'udgment of the Secretary of War, it is to the manifest interest of the llnited States to make purchases abroad, which material shall be Limit on me M admitted free of duty. _ _ -_ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ P Sec. 3. That except as expressly otherwise authorized herem no part of the sums appropriate by this Act shall be expended in the purchase from private manufacturers of any material at a price in excess of twenty-five per centum more than the cost of manufacturing such material by the Government, or, where such material is not or has not been manufactured by the Government, at a price in excess of twenty-five per centum more than the estimated cost of manufacture waived in erm. by the Government: Provided, That whenever in the opinion of the ¤°°“"’·"· President the situation is such as to justify such action he may waive mem, fm the limitations contained in this section. nrirwbensiggiy. Sec. 4. That expenditures for carrying out the provisions of this Act shall not be made in such manner as to prevent the operation of the Government arsenals at their most economical rate of roduction, PWM. except when a special exigency_requires the operation ol) a portion No pay it umm, of an a1senal’s equipment at a different rate: Preceded, That no part {@§‘,,;g‘{§;“{,’§cj"{,*,§"§,$,‘;§,‘ of the appropriations made in this Act shall be available for the orempmyees. salary or pay) of any officer, manager, superintendent, foreman, or other person aving charge of the work of any employee of the United States Government while making or causing to be made with a stop watch or other time—measuring device a time study of any `ob of any such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or of the movements of any such employee while engaged upon such work. Approved, July 8, 1918.