Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/844

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826 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 139. 1918. Q¤¤¤¤**¤° ¤*°**°¤¤· quanaiwrmn snnvrcn. §‘£i°.ii£»g°:i&., yes. Boston, Massachusetts, Station: For additional for a boarding and °°'· vessel, $15,000, to continue available during the fiscal M V year nineteen hundred and nineteen. iimaiiiig eth.,·°ves- Ca e Charles, Virginia, Station: For additional for a disinfecti.r§ ”'· and liioarding vessel, $15,000, to continue available during the fisc year nineteen hundred and nineteen. . W" °°¤m·¤*- WAR DEPARTMENT. M"' For rent of buildinags in the District of Columbia for- use of the _ War Department, Esc year nineteen hundred and nineteen, $100,000. · R€%`€$l§°'i>Zi¥i%`i1$i ’1`he Secretary of War is authorized, for the official purposes of the $***1***- War Department, and within the limits of the appropriations for- rent made by this or any other Act making appropriations for the War Department, to requisition the use of, and takepossession of, any buildingor any s(pace in any building, and the aplpurtenances thereo , in the E‘°°’°°“" District of olumbia, other than a dwelling ouse occiapied as such or a building occupied by any other branch o the Unite States Govern- 1, mt Wim,) ment, and he shall ascertain and pay just compensation for such use. tory Pilar my be If the amount of compensation so ascertained be not satisfactory to "'°""‘°· the person entitled to receive the same, such person shall be paid seventy-five §er centum of such amount and shall be entitled to sue mmm the United tates to recover such further sum as, added to said ' seventy-Eve per centuin, will make up such amount as will be ]ust V"' °°· m"1°°“*m°‘ compensation for such use in the manner provided by section twenty- four, paragraggi twenty, and section one hundred and forty-five, of _ _ _ the Judicial de. M°`°ml°°m°t°"°°' · narrower. cnunrnnms. Mm°°°°°°°' For maintaining and improving national cemeteries, including fuel for su;erintendents,ap,ay of laborers and other employees, purchase Immmt0fr_mm of too and materi , $19,358.67. er¤mws,»e1aae¤e,.»c. For disposition of remains of officers, soldiers, civilian em loyees, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this Iliead in the Simdry Civil Appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hun- LI Louis B dred and eighteen, $100,000. at iiilgéiea am.yi°°°` For funeral expenses mcurred in the burial of Lieutenant Louis l’°"¤* °’ =““°8*°¤· Brunelet, E1ghty-first Heavy Field Artillery, French Army, who died in Washincgton on November fourth and was interred in the Arlington National emetery on November sixth, nineteen hundred and seven- Ammo! md Mw teen, $507.50. ma. Anuonms AND ansmrans. Frankford, Pa. . . . sawau. Frankford Arsenal, Plnladel lua, Penns lvama: For seawall along _ the Delaware River at Frankgdrd Arsenal; iiscal year nineteen hun- 53"§°5,,,,,,,,,,_ dred and nineteen, $25,000: Provided, That the unexpended balance ·*’*‘*·P-im of the appropriation of $36,000 for a seawall along the Delaware River at rankford Arsenal contained in the urgent deficiency Act approved October sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, be made available for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred A and nineteen. wqiiifu and mm nrvnn aero Hannon wom:. $§{T`§‘§°§12‘}§?‘ _ To pay the claims adjusted and settled under section four of the river and harbor appropriation Act approved June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, and certined to Congress in House Documents Numbered nine hxmdred and twent —five, one thousand and ghirtyg-igge, and one thousand and sixty-eight, of the present session, 1,02 . .