Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/868

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850 SIXTY-F IF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 143. 1918. AM, v- M3- teeln hundred segelptpfn, for thehiiscal ycilar ilginetgen hundred and eig teen entit ‘ ct to authorize the resident to increase temporaiily the Signal Corps of the Army and to purchase, maintain, manufacture, repair, and operate airships and make appro riations An"' p' u` therefor and for other purposesf and the funds ayipropriateg for the Signal Service of the y in the Act ap ved ai-htwelfth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, entitled, "1£l`0 Act ma_ g aplpropriaam, p. 355. tions for the support of the Army for the fiscal year nineteen imdred and eighteenf" and October s11xth1}n(;.netesn hilindred agd seventeen, for the fisca year nineteen un e an eig teen an prior years entitled, "An Act making appropriationsto supply urgent deficiencies and so fort3," sire here y made available imtil Jnme thirtieth, , _ nineteen hundre an nineteen. a:i$iii$QI1i1§i>ielmm°d" APPROPRIATION IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLEZ That the moneys applroriated in this Act for Signal Corps and for aviation purposes s all ' be and become immediately available upon the passage of this Act, and all shall also be available for the payment of obligations incurred prior to the passage of this Act in the event such o ligations are of _ _ a character otherwise within the scope of the appropriation. _ n.ap40g.§°d`;$1tlE€§. AmoRA1~*1‘ EMPLOYEES IN THE Disrmcr OF CoLUMB1A: That during md in i$F'“‘* 9* 9** the existing emergency the head of the bureau or department char e lumbia cing emmig . g. emergency. with ancraft pircglouctiolp be, andfhe is hereby, authorgeq to employ m the District o lum ia out 0 appro riations ma e or designing procuring, caring for, and supplying aiiships, engines, and property connected therewith such services as are necessary for carrying out these purposes. §K§’7§,"f,*}f"§§§,?;,,d SALE or wan surrnmsz That the President be, and he hereby is, }gmg°*;°u*§& ggvvggj authorized, through the head of ang executive deHart1nent, to sell, memjm. upon such terms as the head of such epartment sha deem expedient, ‘"‘“*p‘“8‘ to any person, tlpartnership, association, corporation, or ang other department ofi e Government, or to (guy foreign State or overnment engage _ in war against any overnment with which the . . . Uniteid States IS at war, any war supplies, material and e ui ment, Bundmgs, amines, . . . q P em. and by-prg‘du§:1ts_tli;i1ereof, sud silny dbugdmgi, plant; or factprgir, acquire smce pr six nme een un re an seven een inc u — ing the lands upon which ithe plant or factory may be situated, for the production of such war supplies, materials, and equipment which, p,,,,,,_,,,_,_ during the present emergency, mei? have or may hereafter be purngwmgmsggdemm- chase , acquired, or manufactur by the United States: Promded ` further, That sales of guns and ammunition made under the authority contained m this or any other Act shall be limited to sales to other departments of the Government and éo foreign States or Governments engage m war against any overnment with which the United States is at war, and to members of the National Rifle Association and of other recognized associations organized in the United www rt of States for the encouraglement of small—arms target practice: Provided saissseiauiiiiii further, That a detaile report shall be made to Congress on the first day of each regular session of the sales of any war supplies, matériel, To wm Gwm_ lands, factories, or buildings, and equipment made un er the authority mmmmpm. gontainers} in this or any other Act, except sales maéle to any foreign tate or overnment eng ed in war against any overnment with which the United Statesai at war, showing the character of the Mmm mbcmwd articles sold, to whom sold, the price receive therefor, and the purpm,p_ ma pose fiorswhich solid: Providizld, 'ghat any gnoanleyshreceived by the inite tates as the procee s o any suc s e s all be de osited to the credit of that apgopriation out of which was paid tliie cost _ to the _Government of e property thus sold, and the same shall jigggggzzgoaggé em_ immediately become availab e for the purposes named in the original ployees,etc. appropriation: Provided {further, That there shall be allotted to the Aircraft Board, by the _ ead of the bureau or department charged with the production of aircraft, from the appropriations herein made