Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/894

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876 SIXTYAFIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 143. 1918. of United States service arms with all accessories, Field Artillery and Coast Artillery material, Engineer, Signal, and sanitary material accouterments, field unjformshclothing, equppage, publications, and military stores of all kinds, mcluding pub e animals, and a R°’°""°”PP'>'- reserve su ply of such arms, material, accouterments, field umforms, GlO&1.I1g, equipage, and military stores of all kinds, as are ` necessa _ to arm, uniform, and equip for field service the National Guard ri? the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, $3,210,000. ,,,,¥Sf°" "““‘°“°’°"“' mrrn nsivens ron CIVILIAN nvsrnuorron. a.i£.S.p§€"’°“ °‘ “““”` Rmn swans ron orvrtnm msrnnorrorzz To establish and maintain indoor and outdoor rifle ranges for the use of all ablebodied males ca able of bearin arms, under reasonable regulations to be prescribedllxy the N ationa§ Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice and approved by the Secretary of War; for the employment of labor in connection with the esta lishment of outdoor and indoor rifle ranges, includ` labor in operating targiets; for the employment of instructors; formjerical services; for ba ges and other msignia; for the transportation of employees, instructors, and civilians to engage ·m practice; for the of materials supplies, and services, an for expenses mei ental to instruction oi citizens of the United States m marksmanship, to be expended under the direction gf the Secretary of War and to remam available until expended, 10,000. i . .,§j'Q,’·,,2,“§{“,§',’§‘;‘Z,§j Rmx mmm ron crvugax msrnucnon: flier arms, ammunition, targets, and other accessories for target practice for issue m connection with the encouragement of rifle practice m &ursuance of the provisions o£_sectron one hundred and thirteen of e Act approved une third, mneteen hundred and sixteen, $200,000. ,,,,°,{$“ "‘"“°" crvn.1.m un.rrAnr mamma. a¢Ex£°§Z°§ gicimmm Anus AND_OR'DNANCE EQUIPMENT? For arms and ordnance equip- "°L **°·P·1°·*· ment, including overhauling and repairing of personal equipments machme-gum outfits, horse equipment? ammunition, targets, and other accessories for target practice, and for overhauhng and repairing_ arms_for issue and use in connection with training camps for civilians in pursuance of the provisions of section fifty-·four of the Act approved June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $250,000. t?{.’,gg",§j‘§,‘}_’{{_)’,,,,,,,,,,,_ Oaninmcn ronmgoun Guerin ORGANIZATIONS}dFol‘ ¤ -· ¤¢i=¤¤¤¢¤· uring arms, men is , ammunition, ui ment an so }i,,”,*§§j iblséi, for issue and usemgr Iizonnection with Hon? Giiard ci anizations m pursuance of the provisions of the Act entitled ‘§n Act to authorize the issue to States and Territories and the District of Columbia of rifles and other property for the equipament of or anizations of Home Guards," approved June fourteent nineteen inn-

l;eg02n)n0dXseventeen, authorizing issues to Home Guard organizations,

, 7 I ’ '1`r§¤i=i¤ig{$:msi)m°Brs · ansnnvn corzrs. §§§Ei:$'?!;°P?Z°°ifial`€K Qvaarnnuasmn sm>rLms, nourrunur, Arm so main, Rnsnnvg VOL 3,,’*p§§ S- Ormcmrs Tiummo Corrs: For the (procurement and issue, undersuch regulations as may be prescribe by the Secretary of War, to mstitutions at wh1ch_one or more units of the Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps are mamtained, such public animals, uniforms, equipment, and means of transportation as he may deem necessary, and to forage at the expense of the United States public animals so issued; or transporting said animals and other autliiorized uipment from place of issue to the several institutions and return gil same to