Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/899

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 143. 1918. 881 "Sec.3. That the 0 er accoimting officers of the Treasu be and Y°’°° *° °° °s°°'· the are hereby, autliiniized and directed to examine into,rei7scei·tain i>iIi1i• me andy determine the value of the property lost, destro ed, captured, or abandoned as specified in the foregging sections, or the amount of the ` damage thereto, as the case may e; and the amount of such value P°Ym°¤*°““*°'**°‘· or damage so ascertained and etermined shall be paid out of any money in the Treasmy not otherwise‘ap;§·opriated: Provided, That §g;”f,_·jgmm m0m_ in time of war or of operations during pu lic disaster such property mutation in inns or lost, destroyed, captured, `orabandoned, or*so damaged as to be unfit W"' for service, shall be replaced in kind fro1n‘Government roperty on - hand, or ade uate commutation given therefor whenfrepliacement in kind can notqbe made, or can not be made witliixfai reasonable time, by the supply officer or tipartermaster of the orgsnization te which the person entitled thereto elongs orwith which; e is serving upon the order of the commanding officer thereof. ’ ‘ _' ‘ A ‘ “SEO. 4. That the tender of replacement er of commutation or the d8'£>¤m•]§g’£tgggB,g,g;* determination made by the proper accounting officers of the ' upon a claim ipfesented as provided for in the foregoingfection, sh constitute a al determination of my claim cogniza le under this chapter, and such claim shall not thereafter be reopened or considered. _ "Sec. 5. That no claim arising xmder this chapter shall be coni m'*2§c,":*QfS*"' PF? sidered unless made within two years from the time that it accrued; . e '_ , except that when a claim accrues in time of war, or when war inter— venes within two years after its accrual, such claim may be presented within two years after peace is established? - ’ ·· “CnAr··rnn·VII. · ‘ · Susrmmrnc BESTEIOTIONS IN 'PURUHASTE tor" AMILITARYISUPPLIESZ Thatso much of‘secticn eleven `hundred was thirty-three of the Qmggsmctggg °* *• Revised Statutes, andpf ninecf thékct entitled- "An Act for suspended am-1¤gé°E making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, ‘"i{jS_,,,,,_,133,p_,06_ and for other purposes/’ approved June third, nineteen hundred and Vol-3°»P· m· sixteen, as restricts the purchase and distribution of milita stores and su plies to officers o the Quartermaster Corps, be, and ge same is heregy, suspended for the period of the present war. CHAPTER VIII. Cana or rmzsows mscnancnn mom Tim MILITARY SERVICE: That stiiignierviile. Umm the President of the United States is hereby authorized and em(pow—· ch§f.‘,,'§;, ‘§§g;,,{,’,§;,, df; ered to make provision for such care and treatment as he may eem ¤L•¤¤¤¤=v· advisable of persons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United States on account of physical disabih?} who are citizens of any nation at war with a nation with which the nited States is at war; but such provision shall be made only for the citizens of a nation ,,,§§f§],'§°,,*`§,L*’,‘Q,`i‘§’,‘{,,,‘}{ that makes suitable provision for the care and treatment of piersons discharged from the milita or naval forces on account ovihp ysical _ disabilit who are citizens div the United States: Prmzided, at such {_°{,Q’,,'€‘,j’,$’g,,,,,_ care and, treatment shall in no case exceed the care and treatment authorized by law and regulations for members of the Army and Navy of the United States discharged from the military or naval service for like cause. IX Cnnrrnn . A1:MY MINE Pnanrmz Smzvrcmz That hereafter there shall be in the miwrig Tum M Coast Artillery Corps of the Regular Arm a service to be known as ` the Army Mine Planter Service, which sliall consist, for each mine I,_¤m“_ planter in the service of the United States, of one master, one first mate, one second mate, one chief engineer, and one assistant engineer, who shall be warrant officers appomted by and holding their offices I12460°—voL 40···PT 1——56