Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/936

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918 s1X*rY.F1rrH CONGRESS. sms. 11. Ons. 163, 164. 1918. occnured in South Omaha, Nebraska, on February twentyignrst, nineteen hundred and nine, as set forth in the message of the resident of the United States dated January fourteenth, nmeteen hundred and sixteen, $40,000. Approved, August 30, 1918. .1 31,1918. _ _ .1:.11602. CHAP. 1 .-— aking 1 n the

 government g?theAD1isllr?dtlgf Coluranlii-`i:xi0§)11i·1l?li¢i)ii§ $gl§iiadi1(ig.lli1xia1e€ :)i1inolP°bh°’ N°' mg`] teen hundred and nineteen, and for other purposes.

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United m““?* %"°f"‘“'“’“‘ States of America in Ozmyress assembled, That one half o the follow-

ll frm 1>¤¤*i¢¢ ing sums, respectively, IS appropriated, out of any money in the

m°°°°S' Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the other half out of the revenues of the District o (lblumbia, in full for the followin expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscalg year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nineteen, namely: General expenses- GENERAL EXPENSES. E¤ws¤¢iv•¤¤¤¤- Exncurrvn ormcn: Two commissioners, at $5,000 each; e eer ¤ig2?§`?t;, mmm commissioner, so much as may be necessary (to make salary $?5%0.00); secretary, $2,700; three assistant secretaries to commissioners at $1,600 each; c1erks—one $1,500, three at $1,400 each, one $1,200, one (who shall be a stenographer and typewriter) $1,200, one $840 two at $720seach; two messengers, at $600 each; stenographer and t writer, 1 200; vsmmsryarvnise. yglbterinary division: Veterinary surgeon for all horses in the departments of the District government, $1,200; Medicines, surgical and sujxhes, $1,000; rmmssgmvmm. Purchasing division: Purc mg officer, $3,000; deputy purchasing officer, $1,800; computer, $1,440; c1erks—two at $1,500 each, six at $1,200 each,_ three at $900 each, seven at $840 each; inspector of fuel, $1,500; assistant mspector of fuel, $1,100; storekeeper, $1,200; messenger, $600; driver, $600; inspectors—one of materials $1,400 two at $900 each; two laborers, at $600 each; two property-yard kee ers, at $1,000 each; temporary labor, $200· “aé11“<n¤; smeeum Ilinilding inspection d1v1sion:_ Inspector of buildings, $3,000; assist- ‘ ant inspectors of bu1ldmgs——prmc1pal $2,000, one $1,500, one $1,400, ten at 1,200 each; fire-escape mspector, $1,400; temper employ- ment of additional assnstantinspectors for such time as their services may be necessarE§é50O; civil engineers or computers-—one $2,000, one $1,500; cler hief $1,800, one $1,050, one $1,000, one (who shall be a stenographer and typewriter) $1,000, one $900; messenger, $600; assistant inspector, $1,500; To reimburse two elevator inspectors for provision and maintenance by themselves of two motorcycles for use in their official inspection of elevators, $15 per month each, $360; For transportation, means of transportation, and maintenance of means of transportation, including allowances to inspectors for auto- _ mobiles at the rate of $30 per month each, $1,200; d,Q%*f"'¢"”P°°“"‘ Plumbing inspection division: Inspector of plumbing, $2,000; assistant inspectors of plumbing—princ1pal $1,550, six at $1,200 each; clerks——two at $1,200 each, one $900; temporary employment of additional assistant inspectors of plumbing and laborers for such time as their services may be necessary, $3,000; draftsmen, $1,350; sewger tapper, $1,000; three members of plumbing board, at $150 eac ; To reimburse three assistant inspectors of plumb` for rovision . mg P_ _ and maintenance by themselves of three motorcycles or use in their