SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 164. 1918. 927 Northeast. Douglas Street and Polk Street, Olive Street to Forty-fourth Street, %ade and im rove, $10,000; Northwest. New ampshire rfivenue, Georgia Avenue to Park ANN Hsmpnhln Road, pave, $20,000; '“‘“° NW' Nort west. Whittier Street, Georgia Avenue to Piney Branch Road, grade and improve, $6,300; Nort west. Kalorama Road, from Champlain Street to Sixteenth K¤¤<¤¤¤¤R¤•<iNW· Street and from Seventeenth Street to Sixteenth Street, grade and pave, $32,100; _ y In all, $275,800. For compensation for damages to frame house located on lot eight D¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¢¤1=¤¤¤¤i¤ hundred and twelve, square _ twenty-sixhundred and ninety, gby °°°"°2°°° reason of the filling to grade of Spring Place ;abutt° said remises • » . a mg P _} provided the owner of saidproperty waives all claim for any additional compensation by reason of said change in §ma¢,·:so¤. ’ ` To carry out the provisions contained in the xstrict of Columbia P¤v¤ig¤¤¤¤¢¤r¤¢¤¤¤¤ an1propr1ationAct for the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, uirrlxariiiq area, w °ch authorizes the commissioners to gpen, extend or any °°°v·’,i,°3‘%‘f'§,'?{;'At]"'°°‘ ‘ street, avenue, road, or_highway: to co orm with plaixrof the permanent system of highways in that portion of the of olumbia outside of the cities of Washinitgon and Geo town, there in npproptniated, payable entirely from { renpnues tiietne Distrigt o oum 1a,suc sumasisnecessary or sa1 purpose tiring the fiscal year mneteen hundred and nineteen. Piney Branch Road, abandonment of certain nart of as a public N%f‘°’ B'“"* ll"' highway: The Commissioners of the District of Co umbia are author- °,{¤¢¤¤¤ •¤•¤¤•¤•¤» ized and directed, upon the Opening of Buchanan Street for tratiic between Pmen Branch Road and Sixteenth Street northwest, m the gistricgof Cpl to abéagidon as tl; pulgip ngghwpy that part of ine ranc ° tween no e 0 n Street and the south line of Street and the title to the land contained in said abandoned part of road, shall revert to the owners of the land abutting thereon. - Rnr ·rs, avn1¢¤·¤shaanln>‘nmmrcn: For current work of ,,*,.f°*’°"’°‘ ’*‘°°“· re airs o streets, avenues, an eys, in udmg' 1'6S\11'l3C1Dg· and
to asphalt (pavements with the same or other not inferior
material, an mclu mg the purchase of two motor trucks_ at not to “°*°"‘“°’°‘* extgepd $2,003 §%l30anddoIn11¢:iiLntoetor veh1$l;>nfn;rIspecl;1allrepaudwo1‘;lr· gt no oexcee , an nanceo oo ve ces,an muing an allowance of not to exceed $30 per month for an automobile sm, nun for use for official purposes, $375,000. This appropriation shall be mma. Y N"' available for repairing pavements of street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad com- Vol.20,p.105. panics as provided by section five of "An Act proyiding a permanent crm of government for the District of Columb1a," Balppnoved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventt}y—eight and sh deposited to Elie céedit of the appropriation for e fiscal year in which they are co ecte . ‘ The authority given the commissioners in the District of Columbia etgmning mb Hm' appropriation Act approved March second, nineteen hundred and "°‘·“·P·m°- seven, to make such changes in the lines of the curb of Pennsylvania Avenue and its intersecting streets in connection with their resurfacing as they may consider necessary and advisable is made applicable to such other streets and avenues as may be improved under PMN, appropriations contained in this Act: Provided, That no such change cmnsm. s all be made unless there shall result therefrom a decrease in the cost of the improvement. For construction and of sidewalks and curbs around public m""°”'°t°‘ reservations and municip and United States buildings $25,000. REPAIRS TO smzmmax Roms: For current work of repairs to ¤¤¤¤¥*¤¤ ¤*“°· ’°‘ suburban roads and suburban streets, including the purchase of one pm"