940 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 164. 1918. €"°'**’· lies, materials e ui ment, and tools: Prmnkled, That the commis-
at mi gioners are authofizeg, in their discretion, to build or construct,
whole or in part, fire—Hghting apparatus in the fire·department repair sho , $17,500; i S“m’°°°‘ Flor hose, $12,000; For fuel, $22,000; For purchase of horses, $5,000; For orage, $19,500; _ For repairs and improvements of fire boat, $500; _ °°"““‘°“° °“’°"°°°‘ For contin ent ex enses, horseshoeing, furniture, Extures, oil, medical and stabi supplies, harness, blacksmithing, gas and electric light- ` , fl and halyards, and other necessary items, $25,000; mi dll? $116,500. N°"' *`*pP°‘°""* °"" PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: For one aerial hook and ladder truck, motor driven, $12,500; For two tractors, motor driven, at $4,500 each; For three fire engines, motor driven, at $8,500 each; For four combination chemical and hose wagons, motor driven, at $5,800 each; For installing steam heat in engine and truck houses, $6,000; In all, $76,200. H°°'°‘ °°*"“`°“°“°‘ HEALTH DEPARTMENT. S°'“"°°‘· Health officer, $4,000; assistant health officer, $2,500; chief clerk and deputy health officer, $2,500; chief, bureau of vital statistics, $1,800; clerks—one $1,600, five at $1,200 each, four at $1,000_each, two at $900 each, one $720; sanitary inspector—chief $1,800, assistant chief $1,400, nine at $1,200 each, two at $1,000 each, three at $900 each; food mspectors—chief $1,800, assistant chief $1,400, two at $1,400 each, five at $1,200 each, six at $1,000 each, five at $900 each; chemist, $2,000; assistant chemist, $1,500; chief of bureau of preventable diseases and director of bacteriological laboratory, $2,750; serologist, $2,500; two assistant bacteriologists, at $1,200 each; laboratory assistant, $840; skilled laborers·—one $720, one $600; two messengers at $600 each; two chauffeurs, at $720 each; poundmaster, $1,400; watchman, $600; laborers, at not exceeding $50 per Pmeutmgspmd 0, month each, $2,400; in all, $86,470. assesses. For enforcement of the pfovisions of an Act to prevent the spread {’,§};§§°;§jg°‘§j of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and an Act for the revention of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chicllen Box, epidemic cerebrospinal memngitis, and typhoid fever in the Tubemms rw istrict of Columbia, approved Fe ruary nint , nineteen hundred mann, ac. and seven, and an Act to provide for registration of all cases of tuberl°"°5*p`m‘ culosis in the District of Columbia, for free examination of sputum in suspected cases, and for preventing the spread of tubercu osis in said District, approved May thirteent , nineteen hundred and eight, under the direction of the health officer of said District, manufacture _ _ of serums, including their use in indigent cases, and for the preven- ,,tgY*‘“”m° "”°’”'s' tion of infantile paralysis and other communicable diseases, including salaries or compensation for personal services, not exceeding $20,000, when ordered in writing by the commissioners and necessary for the enforcement and execution of said Acts, and for the prevention of such other communicable diseases as hereinbefore provided, pur- _ _ chase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, ,,,3"“’°"‘“"" ‘°°°"’°* purchase of reference books and medical journals, and maintenance {3’8*y:{·;xy,b,0gm ,0, of quarantine station and smallpox hospital, $40,000: Provided, That deny examinations, any bacteriologist employed under this appro nation shall not be °“‘ paid more than $7 per day and may be ass1gned)by the health officer