Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/991

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 177, 178. 1918. 973 "An Federal reserve agent, or any ent or employee of such P°”*°”m*°* '°' °“’j . Federall reserve agent, or of the Federalg Reserve Bgard, who em- %u¤ell'&:¤w£é¤gis£°»l. bezzles, abstracts, or willfully misapplies any moneys, funds, or securities intrusted to his care, or without complying with or in violation of the revisions of the Federal reserve Act, issues or puts in circulation anylliederal reserve notes shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in any district court o the United States shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both, in the discretion of the court." Approved, September 26, 1918. CHAI'. 178.-An Act Makrng' a ro tions for the Department of A `culture l' mis` for the fiscal year ending June thirti:gth,Pi»11?neteen hundred and nineteen. gn Be it enacted theSenateandHouseo R cacntativeao the United States ey Ameri;] in Oongresa aascmbZa1,fTh?tr the followirig sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury PM P- M5- of the United States not otherwise appropriated, mfull compensation for the Hscal year ending June thrrtiet , nineteen hundred and nineteen, for the purposes and objects hereinafter expressed, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ormcn or rim sncrwranr. Ssrrgnms, (gsimcn or rim Sncnnranr or Aemcuprunn: Seem- s¤1?•:»ll?‘s¤uuw»,!¤i¤`l° tary o ture, $l2,000· tant tary o Agric ture, $5,000; So citor, $5,000; chiei clerk, $3,000, and $500 ad `tional as custodran of buildings; private secretary to the Secret of Agriculture, $2,500; executive clerk $2,250; executive clgik, $2,100; stenographer and executive clerk to the Secretary of Agricultnu·e,, $2,250; private secretary to the Assrstant Secretary of Agriculture $2 250; one appointment clerk, $2,000; one assistant in charge oi information, $3,000; one officer in charge of supplies, $2,000; one assistant, $2,000; one inspector, $2,750; one inspector $2,250; one m_¥¤¤¤·¤*¤·¤·*·'°*°**¤· law clerk, $3,250; two law clerks, at $3,000 each; two law clerks, at $2,750 each; four law clerks, at $2,500 each· eight law clerks, at $2,250 each· one law clerk, $2,200; five law clerks, at $2,000 each; three law clerks, at $1,800 each; four law clerks, at $1,600 each; one assistant editor, $2,000; four assistant editors at $1,800 each; one assistant editor, $1,600; one expert on exhibits, $3,000; one assistant in exhibits, $2,000; one telegraph and telephone operator, $1,600; one assistant chief clerk and captain of the watch, $1,800; five clerks, class four; thirteen clerks, class three; twenty-one clerks, cms, mamigm, class two; twenty-six clerks, class one; one auditor, $2,000; one °‘°· accountant and bookkeeper, $2,000; one clerk, $1,440; one clerk, $1,020; seven clerks, at $1,000 each; thirteen clerks, at $900 each; two clerks, at $840 each; fourteen messengers or laborers, at $840 each; twelve assistant messengers, laborers, or messenger boys, at $720 each; one messenger or laborer, $660; one mechamcal superin- M°°¤¤¤*¤¤·°°°- tendent, $2,500; one mechanical assistant, $1,800.; one engineer, $1,400; one electrical engineer and draftsman, $1,200; one assistant engineer, $1,200; two assistant engineers, at $1,000 each; one fireman, $840; eight Bremen, at $720 each; one chief elevator conductor, $840; sixteen elevator conductors, at $720 each; three elevator conductors, at $600 each; one su rintendent of shops, $1,400; one cabinet shop foreman, $1,200; Eze cabinetmakers or carpenters, at $1,200 each; three cabinetmakers or carpenters, at $1,100 each; nine cabinetmakers or carpenters, at $1,020 each; three cabinet-