Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/999

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 178. 1918. 981 to accomplish such urposes, $230,448, and in the discretion of the °°"”'“’“**°¤° '*°¤ Secretary of Agricull>ure no expenditures shall be made for these stmB’m` purposes until a sum or sums at east equal to such expenditures shall ave been alppropriated, subscribed, or contributed by State, county, or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations for the accomplishment of such (purposes: Provided, That no part of the money §{,°"p'f$,°, hm dg erein appropriate shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees ¤¢r<>y¤<i.¤tcor other property injured or destroyed; For the investigation of diseases of cotton, potatoes, truck crops, °‘°P· °“*· forage crops, drug and related plants, $87,800; Cr _ For investigating the physiology of crop plants and for testing ¤10g§·)? °h°°° phy"` and breeding varieties thereof $48,460; For soil—bacteriology and plant-nutrition investigations, including the tmting of samples, (procured in the o;;en market, of cultures for inoculating legumes, an if any such samp es are found to be impure, nonviable, or misbranded, the results of the tests may be published, P“"““m“¤*°°*·‘·°*°~ tagether with the names of the manufacturers and of-the persons by . w om the cultures were offered for sale, $39,300;‘ _ For soil-fertility investigations into organic causes of infertility ’°‘“°'““*7· and remedial measures, maintenance o mproductivity, and composition of soil humus, and the tra ormation and ormation of soil humus by soil organisms, $36,260; · · For acclimatization and adaptation investigations of cotton; corn, *'°¥* and other crops introduced from tropical regions, and for the improve- ' ment of cotton and other fiber plants by cultural methods, breeding, and selection, and for determining the feasibility of increasing the production of hard fibers outside of the continental United States, ,,,,,,,,,,,,_ -8107,510: Provided, That not less than $7,500 of this sum shall be ¤s>¢¤•¤¤••¤ incaused for experiments in cottonseed interbreeding: Provided tiurther, E g` That of this amount $3,000 may be used for experiments in e ro- b,§,§’,§}$‘*{¤,_f“d”*"°' duction of New Zealand flax in the United States and for its utilize,-' ' tion in the manufacture of binder twine; For the investigation, testing, and improvement of lants yielding D'°"h""*°°°‘ drugs, spices, poisons, oils, and relate products and by-products, and for general physiological and fermentation investigations, $58,820; For crop technological investigations, including the study of plant- m.°{,T°.l°.,°j’°"°°'°”‘ "° infestin nematodes, $24,940; For Eiophysical investigations in connection with the various ,,5$,’§'?’“*°°l “"°'°' lines of work herein authorized, $32,500; (_ mm For studying and testing commercial seeds, including the testix ,,,..’;I2f'Zr.,_ "°°'• of sam les of seeds of grasses, clover, or alfalfa, and lawn-grass see T°•“¤¢ •¤¤P'°•·•*¢· secured) in the open market, and where such samples are found to be adulterated or misbranded the results of the tests shall be published, together with the names of the persons by whom the seeds were oifhred for sale, and for carrying out the provisions of the Act approved ,§Q{°,`LZ'§“f,§,¤"§§“m“§ August twenty-fo1u·th, nineteen hundred and twelve, entitle "An ¤'°\*}6,_3., Bm Act to regulate fore` commerce by prohibiting the admission into ’ · the United States olglhertain adulterated grain and seeds unfit for seeding p es" (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page live hundred and six), $36,680; 0,,m,,_ For the investigation and improvement of cereals and methods of cereal production, and the stud of cereal diseases, and for the investigation of the cultivation and, breeding of flax for seed purposes, including a study of Bax diseases, and for the investigation and improvement of broom com and methods of broom·com reduction, Hwa", $441,505: Provided, That $40,000 shall be set aside for the study of gs; ""F""""""· corn improvement and methods of com production: Provided also, m"°°"' That_$100,000 shall be set aside for the investigation and control of the diseases of wheat, oats, and barley known as black rust and stripe