Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/179

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1524 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. on. 184. 1918. z°°’*°'“*’ °““‘¥"’°“· The name of Zachariah Campbell, late of Company E, Twenty- §fth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry and pay hun a pension , at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receivinv. 11iQ°i¤°il§fil¤¤a. The name of Lorinda C. Rand, former widow of Robert Burtdianan, late of Company C, Third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and Lam A Wamng pav her a pension at the rate of $25 (per month. _ mm. The name of Lama A. Wallinlgfor ,_ former widow of Charles R. Stevens, late of Company I, Thir Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, and imassigned, Fifteenth Regiment Maine Volunteer reosiessmeeesea Infantry, and pa her a pension at the rate of $25 é>er month. _ D°""* D"Y"“‘g"· The name of gavid Dryburgh, late of United tates ships Ohio, Mississippi, and North Carolina, United States Navy, and pay a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he IS now receiving. my smut The name of Jay Smit , late of Company E, E1ghty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 r month in lieu of that he is now receivin . wnusm 1. rugs. The name of Wil]iam J. Rig , late of Company K, Thirdgllegiment Potomac Home Brigade Maryland Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. Wmim W°u“"“L The name of William Wellman, late of United States ships Clara Dolsen and Marmora, United States Navy, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 pir month in lieu of that he IS now recervmg. mm E- C‘“'P°"“"'· The name of Jo E. _Carpenter, late of Company A, One hundred and eighty-seventh Reiment Pennsylvama Vo unteer Infantry, an_d pay him a_pension at the rate of $40 per month m lieu of that he 1S _ now receiving. "“"°"··“‘°‘°‘*’°‘* The name of Damn L. rhempseu, late of company e, Fenynah Regiment Massachusetts Militia Infantry, and pay him a pension at Pension. tm the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Mm B· Gu? ‘ Haig}? éiamlgncg plary {Iii Hawking? iécgw Guptill, fpiigner widow og aw , ate o om an , vent -secon egiment, an Company F, Thirty-third Igeggnent, Illingis Volunteer Infantry, Pmiomiucnwi and pay her a {pension at the rate of $25 per month. nam Donna The name o Edwin Doan, late of Company C, Eighty-fifth Reviment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at tI1e _ rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receivin . T¤¤¤mH-B¤¤l°Y· The name of Thomas H. Birnley, late of Company {lil, One hundredth Regiment Pennsylvania Vo nmteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 'per month m lieu of that he is now receivmg. Elijah G. L¤m¤•=¤· The name of Eli 'ah C. Lawrence late second lieutenan Fifty-fif th Regimdnt Illinois Voluiiteer Infantry, and pgyglhigniinilieldi mm G mmm sion at the rate of 3540(per month in lieu of that he is now receivinv. ‘ ‘ The name of John . Fulton, late of Company I, Sixth Reginiient Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and pay hun a pension at the rate of $50 ge,,Si,,,,,_ per month in lieu of that he is now receivin . m_§a§{j°‘°°*¤ A· Aw The name of Elizabeth A. Ashmead, widow of Howland L. Ashmead, late of Company M, Twenty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and general service, United States Arniy, and Emmm. mmm paihper a pension at the rate of $25_'per month. e name of Emma A. Gannett, wi ow of Frederick Gannett, late of Company B, Third Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry and pay __ her a pension at the rate of $25 per month. " i neyfgefet E- G*°*>°· The name of Margaret E. Gibbpney, Widow of Samuel R. Gibboney, late acting laxssistant suggeon, United States Army, and pay her a

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· , a eo om · ,0:- ment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and pay hixxlhya pengightztsmhsilgcdf $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.