Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/185

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1530 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 17,42,43, 118, 119. 1919. Jonathan Pearson, by conveyance be, and the same is hereby qluieted and confirmed. and p)atent therefor shall 1ssue to the sard ra G. Kilpatrick and Guy . Dill as tenants in common, upon payment to the United States of $1.25 per acre. Approved, February 4, 1919. February 25, 1919. [S- 53¥8·1 CHAP, 42.-An Act Granting a pension to Edith Carow Roosevelt. [mmm M M'] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R'Iegresentati*ves of the United ,3*}**** °“"°" R°°°°' States of America ·in_ Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the Pensiougramnod. Intenor be, and he IS hereby, authorized and duected to place OH the pension roll the name of Ed1th Carow Roosevelt, w1dow of Theodore Roosevelt, late PI'6S1dBD.b of the United States and pay hpx£;ipe;1sion at the rate of $5,000 per year from and after the passage 0 ct. Approved, February 25, 1919. F°l¥Eag%¥m CHAP. 43.-An Act For the relief of David·E. Gray. 1;;:; m Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrlegesentatives of the Umm id wg, M_ United States of America in Oangress assembled, _ t the Postmaster mas. General be and he is hereby, authorized and drrected to crednt the accounts of Davxd E. Gray, postmaster at Greeley, Colorado, in the §2§°§ Z.iS’?£€£°s$‘ 23 f}2.° §‘2‘$°$£$3§?.§?l-.°§°°““£f· "°?°“g° s es res rom burglary of said post oflxilce on guly first, nineteen hxmdred andngeven. Approved, February 25, 1919. umn s, im. [H. R. 2012-1 CHAP. 118.-An Act For the relief of Mrs. W. E. Crawford. [Private, No. 38.) Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouae Representatives ey the United §;;§;h;Eig’“"°’°· States of America in_ Congress That the Secretary of the Treasury be_, api;} hlergs hereby, authorrzed and drreeted to pay, out of any trgpnteylbln gv Eascruxéywpf the United States not otherwise appro- {22*3 fo; SZNESAS rendered ¤§'$..°he°¤iE“m °f m°‘?° ‘EhL,"“ €°B“"°“S”' camer m t Alabama, from March twenty-eighth,r1;i’ineteen hilndred add fodggeeudy . I to June twenty-eighth, mneteen hundred and fourteen. Approved, March 3, 1919. ""{°"?·*°F°· cnn. 11e.-ADA T · - · — · -

 gggmigiggoae emit ¤.2§3"6?§€§“J?til`E‘i?£li.£‘s‘?§l2, e;r.1:;a:;·:;:2:*1.€.2*.;;.*:2’.€

Be it enacted the Senate and H R ta ‘· gh ]u§§§g?§tG£d]ib¥`m· q"·%€dTSWW8 <U° ill 0¢m9T¢88 ¢z;g#;r¢g;¢d, e'H1(::7l:hbz@S¢gc1?eft&r5€ gu; of be, andlhe 1'Is hereby, authonzed and directed to gay, Thomas g Agglsytllls fl 6 r€;8.su1'y not Otherwise appropriate , to me theGovernmdn?.ufb1r(in`@)e(; ‘r‘$C£E’$£§°€$E.?i“°““ T “l.i WEB . e em 0 e in e llgsnted States General Land Qiltice, Washington, Districtpof jéolumbia, December twenty-seventh, nmeteen hundred and iiftwm Approved, March 3, 1919. ‘