Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/437

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r·socLAMA*r1oNs, 1918. 1769: available in different parts of the nation shall be kept on file by the Department of giagorhlthe; iséormation to be constantly furnished: . 0 l` HDIODS. ‘ 2. B; State enfployment bureaus and Federal agencies of like character. 3. By the managers and operators of industria establishments throughout the o tr . c agenciles shoglld be given opportunity to aid in the distribution of labor, as necessity eman . CUSTOM OF LOCALITIES In fixing wages, hours and conditions of labor regard should always be had to tlgfe ltagpr standards, wage scales, and other conditions, prevailing in the localities 8. . · · · —* · THEGCLIVIQVG WAGE . _ _. _ d lg!-D2: right of. all workers, including common laborers, to a living wage is hereby 2. In tixing wages, minimum rates of be established which will insure the subsistence of the worker and hx y m health and reasonable comfort. (Signed) Loran. A. Osnomm Faux I. Hayes » L. F. Loans Wu. L. Hurcimsou W. H- VauDsavooa·r Tnoxas I. Savaoa _ ‘ C. E. Mrcnam. Vxcroa A. Omummz B. L. Wonnzu T. A. Rrcxsrrr Wu. H. Tan _· Fnnxx P. Wasn BY mn Pnnsmmvr or rim Uurrnn Srarns or Aumuca. _ A TROCLAMATION. . . V z i the of the theexercise of ummm.! I the constitutional authorit vested in them, b omt resolution of m°°“°` Y _ _ Y an , . the Seginte and House of Representatives bearing , te April 6, 1917, reso v : . p . Dmmum ‘ ‘That the state of war between the.United States and the v¤;¤_g·r¤1¤w-d W German Government which has thus been thrust upon the nited ’°' ‘ States is hereby formally declared; and that the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Imperial German Government; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States." ,m,,,,, And by joint resolution bearing date of December 7_, 1917, resolved: w¤:i§¢¤¤¤&H¤°ii¤¤'iy·‘; "That a state of war is hereby declared to exist between the ’p` ` United States of America and the Imperial and Royal Austro- Hungarian Government; and that the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government; an to bring the conflict to a successful termination all Ellie glesogiiéizcgiog the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of e ni e a es. . U E AWD WHEREAS it is dprovided by section 1 of the act approved tagnlitumy August 29, 1916, entitle "An act making appropriations or the v°L°°’P'°‘5’ support of the Army fplr the fiscal year ending une 30, 1917, and for ot er p oses " as fo ows; ‘ ‘Theulgl)·esident in time of war is empowered, through the Secretary of War, to take possession and assume control of any system or systems of transportation, or any part thereof, and to utilize the same, to the exclusion, as far as may be necessary, of all other traflic thereon, for the transfer or transporation of troops, war material,