Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/499

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1824 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. of the Schuylkill River; thence in a (iineral southeasterly, then southerly and then southwesterly ection following the low water line of the Schuylkill River and the Delaware River to the point of beginning; containing in all one hundred fifty and Evetenths (150.5) acres more or less; together with all riparian rights, privileges, easements, and other rights whatsoever appurtenant or ap rtaining in any wa to said above described tract of land, inclugiiig rivately owned, rights in the under water lands lying between tllfe low water line of the said above described tract an the pier head and bulkhead lines as such lines are now or may be hereafter established; TRAOT N0. 4. M;lj§g§§’,l}f,’ggD°l;§gi igrldiligonsjg land for Depot of Supplies, Marine Corps, Philar _ e p a, ennsy vama. Am"' A All that certain tract of land situate, lying, and being in the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsggvania, as shown on a certain ma on file in the Office of the licitor, Dgsartment of the Navy, wlhich said map bears the legend "He quarters U. S. Marme Corps, Washington, D. C. Property Layout, Philadelphia Depot, March 7, 1917, ’ fronting partly on the sourth side of Alter Street, partly on the east side o Fifteenth Street and partly on thebnpirth fsglle of Ellsworth Street, being more definitely describe as o ows: D°‘°'“’*i°“‘ Begmn` for the same at a point in the south line of Alter Street whic point is ninety-eig t (98) feet eight and i:ive·tenths (8.5)- inches more or less west of the intersection of the south line of Alter Street with the west line of Broad Street and also marks the intersection of the south line of Alter Street with the west line of a certain four (4) foot alley shown on said map ; thence in a westerly direction following the south line of Alter Street to its point of intersection with the progierty of the United States occu ied by the Depot of Supplies, arine Corps, a distance of two hundred ten (210) feet six (6) inches more or less; thence in a southwesterl direction followin the said property of the United States a distance of thirteen C3) feet one (1) inch more or less; thence in a westerly direction continuing along the said property of the United States to the oint of intersection with the east line of 15th Street a distance oflleight —three (83) feet eleven (11) inches more or less; thence in a southerly direction follow— ing the easterly line of Fifteenth Street to the point of intersection with the northerly line of a certain three (3) foot alley shown on said map, a distance of sixteen (16) feet more or less; thence in an easter y direction following the northerly line of said three (3) foot alley a distance of fifty-three (53) feet one (1) inch more or less; thence in asoutherly direction follo ¤· the westerly boundar&lline of the property understood to be owned by a certain `chael Dondero to the point of intersection with the northerly line of Ellsworth Street, a distance of seventy-four (7 4) feet more or less ; thence in an easterly direction following the northerly line of Ellsworth Street a distance of twent (20) feet more or ess to the easterly bounda line of the said? property of Michael Dondero; thence in a norilierly direction following the easterly boundary line of the said property of Michael Dondero a distance of seventy-four (74) feet eleven and i:ive—tenths (11.5) inches more or less to the point of intersection with the southerly line of the property understood to be owned by a certain Samuel Jackson; thence in an easterly direction follo the southerlv boundary line of the said property of Samuel jlackson to the point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of the property rmderstood to be owned by a certain Donato Tella, a distance