Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/531

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1854 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. `*"“·PP·’°·“"- tered under the terms of the Act approved May 18, 1917 or under the terms of the Public Resolution of Congress approved May 20, “°°i°°°m°°' 1918, whether called for service or not; officers an enlisted men of the Regular Army; officers commissioned in the Army of the United States, and men of the forces drafted, under the provisions of the Act a proved May 18, 1917; officers and enlisted men of the National Guard) while in the service of the United States; officers of the Officers’ Reserve Corps and enlisted men in the Enlisted Reserve Corps while in the service of the United States; officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps; officers and enlisted and enrolled mmm di men of the Nstivall Rie?ery;IF§rce and ligaxéinei Corps Reserve vzhile in ,,,.,.,1,, .,m.,.,,_ th rvi t ni tatos; an i omatic represen atives, md te<?h;,ca1(ii£lat:n)ches°of foreign embassies and legations, consuls general, consuls vice consuls, and consular nts of foreign countries, resid-

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on I tm ing in the UnitedhStates who are r}ot cg1izensv<;f]fl§; Unitlad States. · ° An rson w o, on account o sic ess, ima e to present mk. himélirir tration may appgyoon or before the last day for registration at am desiitted t for by the Governor of Alaska for instructions as to how may register by _ _

 Ang person who expects tohcbaabsent uring the plplrghodhherilein

nam or registration from t registration area in w e then "“”Z“ma°““’a1°“d“ $5 2’€§$?»'. Z’,Zp'3‘i¥.i{z(i"€E ;h£(i3%i“1i.““°“·°¢’5d mus perse r eregis a- tion in such area on or before the last day herein named for registration. Any suchmperson should apply as soon as practicable at a lace or of an o cial designated or appointed, respectively by the governor of Alaska for instructions as to how he may register hy mail. esigna e m"‘*‘“"°·”` ¤.‘%2".i*"*'°°"t.'I1*‘3,i"’£’.ir.,“° ""¥§‘.‘§§§°0¥°?{f£%§°;”r12?d.‘·D”gg$‘i"1i“°,fL‘2 iirherein he may be d period herein named for registration. Any such person who may be in more than one registration area during the period herein named for registration must register at the place designated for the 'stration of persons residing in one of the areas wherein he may such period. 1*_r $'mt@ An person ordinarily resident in Alaska who, on account of absenlce at sea or on accoimt of absence without the Territory of Alaska, mgbe imable to comply with the regulations pertaining to apse§te§, ws:11l,Swithin five days aftelf reaching Ailaskaé or othe;1 pfart o the ni tates, register at the pro r ace esigna or ' tration, or by mail as rovided for otliiir absentees. lN WITNESS I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to aflixed. Done m the District of Columbia this eighteenth day of Se£.tember in the year of our Lord one thousand mne hun ed and [snan.] eighteen and of the independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and fortyéthird. oonnow Wusoiv, By the President: Rommr Lansmo Secretary of State.

 Br mn Pnasmmrr or me Unrrmn Sratrns or Anmnrca I

. A PROCLAMATION. Libcrtv Day. . . . . Preamb G. Every day the great principles for which we ar h t k I fresh hold upon our thought and piupose and makeBit5<§ea1ug§ what the end must be and what we must do to achieve it. We new know more certainly than we ever knew before why free men brought the