Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/973

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2292 INDEX. _ Tangier Light, Morocco, _ P¤8¤- Tues, Internal Re·ve1rue—Co11tinued. 1*88% Tappropgrfatron for annual contribution. . 522, 1328 approp$a1:i¢i{r1torexp§us{§zs collecting, rmder angur, orooco ar eveuue c .. 779 appropriation lfor agent and consul gen- for collecting cotton futures 779 T eral at ... . .. 520, 1326 ior estate, munitions, etc . . . 779 Gfmcvj, Ge] ge or ex uses enforcing 0 ium, etc. pension increased ... . 1421 spelceial tax . , .. ... 779, 1234 Tanner, James P., for expenses collectmg, under Revenue pensron increased ... . 1420 Act of 1918 .., 1234 Tanner, Thomas E., for child labor employment 1234 PGDHIOD ... . .. 1477 for_refuuding collections ... 1234 Tanyer, Alexander D., deficrency appropriation for collecting pension increased 1547 gxcms-profits, gtc_ , , ,,,,,,___,,,,, 4 Tapke Really Company, M K, _ for refunding illegally collected . 30, proclamation gncluding stockholder of, nu $3, 379, 382, 838, 842, 1038 restncuous on tradrug with the for expenses collecting, under War GHBHIY -----···-·-·-..·-··. , ..·. · . · 1911 Revenue Act. . . .. 348 TM, _ _ _ _ for ref¤m ectii¤¤¤· -··..· . . 1038 appropriation for erperrments, etc., m bonds of War ce Corporation exempt _ malnng, from lrgmtes and peat . 1154 from, exczpt estate, mcome surtax, Tar . _ excess pro ts, audwarproiits ... 511 Tapptrripruztgon lor improvement of.. 254,906, 1278 securities payable in _ i0r<~;1gn_ moneys, arg rac we wued b nresrden aliens, etc. use of Hglavtggble waters adjacent to, 1*0566, 892 W _ gxempt f¥01lr10a1l._ Hi; . I 845 C .. . .. ar e (lorpontmn cb1Q etc., Target Prestige, Army Small4rrns, etc., exempt from .. . .. . . 511 sppropnatron for ammumuon for, targets, Taxes, Spsowl (see Special Tama). · etc . -., ,.. _ 63, 860 Taylor, A. E., · for_marhneu’s medals, prizes, etc.._. , . 63, 869 may accept present from British G·evem· ` dcticmpcy gpproprrauon or ammumuou ment ___,,,,,,,_,._,,,,,,,___,,,,, 1326 or,targets,etc. warexpenses .. 197 T lor,B ` , additional contraicgz, ;;:cc.,f:;1th0ri.zed for 1030 ,.,. 1504 ammum u e . . o , , authorization repealed, for ammnmition, Tilengipn ,,,. . ...,._...,, 1514 etc., fo1’, 1919: . : . . 1172 Taylor, George F., balances of appropnatwns for, 1917, 1918, pension .,,,,,,.,,,,,...,.,.,, 1567 ct Plglttf, wiefed ID 1171 Taylor, George W, " _ *96, 7'm·!• _ _ HB1 .-·--··..---·-- - ------»---··.·.-.· 1571 appropnatrpru for paying claims for dam·59 864 Tag8hr,(g1uilfordD,, _ 8868 0111 --... ...· · , eusiou increased ... - 1431 deiimetncy appropriation for damages, 364 Tagylor, Henry C., 1449 lsxms . . ... muon increased ,. . .,... regulation of use off nalizfigalskdwatus, for Talyor, James B., 92 ro n 0 e property msi incr ..,. 13 llaole to danger thereon, from 266, 892 1'ag6lor,0.l]aqrtes S., Taryhee Nalzgmal Forest, Idaho and Wyo., pensmu increased . . .. 1400 apiropraatrou for maintenance, etc., of 988 Taylor, Jolm M., Tw Uvvgnézmig, Um¢gdS¢a$u, 125 652 Tpelgngion ..-····-·-·-.·.·. 1488 appropna n _ r an e usa.. , ,S . _ Tanfs, Iyternatsonal Bureau jor lignlestesd entry validated . 1541 o , as ., T•pp:·opria;:;TonIt_or annual contribution. . 523, 1329 Tag;/$us,i0;,}1ri;1creI1;sed .. . . 1459 arryvwn, _. .,_ ayor, acer ., appropnatwu for improvement of harbor- . 251 eusi n ,.,,. . 1468 Tw, _ illiam L-, Trgylor, 0Wilson, pcnswn increased . . .. 1375 pension increased 1376 Taunton E17? » Mai!-r Taylors Bayou, Te:c.,_ _ appropmnon for improvement of .. 905, 1275 preliminary exammauon, etc., of water- Tax, Income (see Iuc0m_e Tax). T Z g¤1’n?11’0¤8h» to 179 midi? ······-·--- 264 Taxes, ay mm 9 . ‘¤ . . deductions allovred in computing taxable T,7g5;°£an,;u°§g§r Public building ‘‘‘‘‘°'‘‘‘ 111 maggie of mdxvldmls '' ` a propriation for? improvement of- . 256, 908, 1281 TaI;°",¥;°’; ”° ····- · ····················· 7 Tecgniqal, ee., rmamqg pjvgafoa some", ¤vr>¥<>p?i¤1>1¤¤ gw ¤dv¤¤¤¤i¤z ¤¤*i¤¤¤ of ,24 d°E°°;Z°1l’m°i§Tl:;€)cll1l°lll°l1l . .11 ff me “n'°*·” ° ·····-············-~······ Tech l Two Taxes, etc., Real Estate, aullhlzldzed 1:, be raised, etc., for war restriction on xgpyre of progerty of per- T flrzergiucy service .,.., . 78 sous in _ service or non y- eelers, ce ua, ment of, dunng the war. . .. . . 447 pension increased 1461 Taxes, Internal Revenue (ree also Revenue Act Teets, Albert, of 1918, aged War fltnevenue Act, 191;]), Tegzerusiogaincreased . - .. 1461 a riati r re d1ng` erroueo y em, emh, ppmpcollegged? . . 118, 642 appropriation for interpreter to legation and for expenses collecting income .. 778 consulate general at . 520, 1327