Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1028

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 250. 1920. 1007 "Snc, 10. (a) That it shall be, and is hereby, made unlawful in °tf°X_*g,°;*j,f*h¤d"¤“» any case to pay aréy seaman wages in advance of the time when he " ` has actually earne the same, or to pay such advance wages, or to make anyl order, or note, or other evidence of mdebtedness therefor to any other person, or t<;(pay any person, for the shipment of seamen when payment is deduct or to be deducted from a seaman’s wages. Any erson violat' any of the foregoing provisions of this section ,8t§°¤;¤;=¤¤¤¤**¢ vie shall lie deemed gifigy of a. misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall ` be prmished by a fine of not less_than $25 nor more than $100, and may also be imprisoned for a ljileriod of not exceedigg six months, at the discretion 0 the court. e payment of such vance wages or p°I{}l¤Qfijgmw,{{_•;{·tg1{ allotment, whether made within or without the United States or ter- out coma sroros rn. ritory subject to the jurisdiction thereof, shall in no case except as “‘°"· herein provided absolve the vessel or the master or the owner thereof from the full %ment of wages after the same shall have been actually earned, and slr be no defense to a. libel suit or action for the recov— ery of such wages. If any person shall demand or receive, either .,,f;‘§‘1,§‘,,f‘,$"}f,,§f,"S,§g'j directly or indirectly, from any seaman or other bxrson seeking em— ¤¤¤ ‘°' °¤¤Pi¤Y¤=¤¤*- ployment, as seaman, or from any person on his alf, andy; remuner— ation whatever for provi him with employment, he sh for every such offense be deemed ty of a misdemeanor and shall be impris~ oned not more than six months or fined not more than $500." Sec. az. That section 20 of such Act or March 4, ieis, bo, and is, _,dY¤*—3*·¤-m*—5·¤¤¤¤¤· ·· amended to read as follows: _ "Snc·. 20. 'l‘hat any seaman who shall suffer personal injury in ,,,IS'g*§·,",§§_ °° s°°m°’°' the course of his employment may, at his election, maintain an action lftuigm fer dameses for damages at law, with the right of trial by jury, and in such action ° °°'° ‘ all statutes of the United States modifying or extending the commonlaw right or remedyin cases of personal injury to railway employees shall apply; and in case of the death of any seaman as aresult of any R°‘“’“”““‘*°°"* such personal injury the personal representative of such seaman may maintain an action for amages at law with the right of trial by juiglggaxpd in sriph acltionfall statriitesdof gis Uxlaited States cpnferring or r at' the rig t o action or eat in the case of rai way em- , plovees shxzifll be aipplicable. Jurisdiction in such actions shall be I""°di°“°°°‘°°"°' under the court o the district in which the defendant employe1· resides or in which his principal office is 1ocated." T H _ Sec. 34. That in the judgment of Congress, articles or provisions on.ii§“`£mri.`§*:or,°;tiir? in treaties or conventions to which the United States is a party, {&';"‘,§‘{,‘},§‘g$,;¥‘,§,§,f;§j which restrict the right of the United States to impose discriminating customs duties on imports enter` the United States in foreign vessels and in vessels of the Unitedugates, and which also restrict the right of the United States to impose discriminatory tonnage dues on foreign vessels and on vessels of the United States entering ,_, H t ba .v the United States should be tennmated, and the President is hereby roéoiigncgoiimmgiiif authorized and directed within ninety days after this Act becomes law to give notice to the several Governments, respectively, parties to such treaties or conventions, that so much thereof as imposes any such restriction on the United States will terminate on the expiration of such periods as may be required for the giving of such notice by the provisions of such treaties or conventions, me mm, H Sec. 35. That the power and authority vested in the board by ronmogrioonoy gig: this Act, except as herein otherwise specifically provided, may be C°’*’°'°“°“· exercised directly: by the board, or by it through the United States Shipping Board mergency Fleet Corporation. _ mum 0, an Sec. 36. That if any provision of this Act is declared unconstr provision nyotto aiferg tutional or the application of an revision to certain circumstances ""”““"’°'°"*°‘· be held invalid, the remainder ofytge Act and the application of such provisions to circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid shall not be affected thereby.