Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1041

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1020 srxrrsrxrn coronnss. sms. II. Ch. 253. 1920. C¤¤’¤°*°h“d*°°~ `c111L1;•-cAmNo INSTITUTIONS. Gl§;_¤dg;ng* C’=m*°¤’= Board of Children’s Guardians: For maintenance of feeble-minded reebreuirnaai crm- children (white and colored), $4,500. drriiimr, ac., or crm- For board and care of all children, and so forth, including the same d*¤¤· objects specified under this head in the District of Colum ia Appro- _ _ priation Act for the fiscal year 1920, $33,000. ,,,;.}§’,;",§§,°{}’§},,,f,‘Q,,_°°°‘ Authority is granted to pay, in addition to the sum of $1,500 heretofore authorized, a further sum not to exceed $5,000, during the Espa] year 1920, to institutions adjudged to be under sectarian _ contro . S},,'},‘§f“*"‘“ H°"“’ Industrial Home School: For maintenance, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation ct for the fiscal year 1920, $1,000. d£g¤u<§j_{*g ¤•=¤¤*$i· Insane: For deportation of nonresident insane persons, in,pZsu. ance with the Act of Congress "to changle the proceedings for admrssion to the Government Hospital for the Insane in certain cases, W kh and for other purposes,f’ approved January 31, 1899, $600. _ rra°i°aaaS°L°tB. Workhouse: For mamtenancenmcludrng the same objects specrfied under this head m the District of Co umbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1917, $7 .20. 0¤m¤<¤- For fuel for manufacturing and construction, dynamite, oils, and rejiraus to plant, fiscal year 1917, $74.76. · or fuel for maintenance, fiscal year 1918, $159.50. mm Mmm. ,,,,§"P°“’°“* °°”"’“’ For ergpenses of camps, including the same objects specified under this hea in the District of Columbra Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1917, $32.50. T““°°"'“’ ’°"i°°s‘ rarrroamzr smzvrcrrs. ed{~*¤¤•¤¤° '°*» *¤°m· The limitation on the amount which may be expended for services AM, v· 101- of t6mR01'81‘5' employees, contained in section 2 of the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1920, is increased from $100,000 to $102,000. nmomnurs. ,,,$’;”°°° °f ’"dg° For payment of the jludgments, including costs, aiainst the District of Columbia, set fort m House Document Num ered 767 of the present session, $9,138.28, together with a further sum to pay the rnterest_at not exceeding 4 per centum per annum on said judgments, ag provide? by law, from the date they became due until the date _ o aymen . _

mY§iim°Zicr;¤°$Z'g$§,$ 8¤<j
—hp.lf of the foregoing amounts Fo meet deacieucies in the ap_

A•¤¢,1>·83·- proprrations 011 account o_ the District of Columbia shall be Paid from th_e revenues of the District of Columbia and one—half from any money in the Treas1u·y not otherwise appropriated. ,,,§,°‘,g‘§§$§?‘ Ed“"“‘ EDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION.

 Vocational_r9h&billt8ti011Z For an additions,] amount for carrying
g;40%gr· 1;;g- out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the

an ’ ’ ’ vocational rehabrhtation and return to civil empiovmem of disabled persons diszhargeld from the military or naval forces of the United btates, an or other purposes ’ a proved.} 27 1918, d d including personal services iii tliie Districltndf é0ll1II1b£.S%1lIl1($D€l;8; where, funeral and other incidental expenses (including the transportation of remains) of deceased trainees of the board, printing and