Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/106

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7. 1919. 85 For purchase of United States flatgs, $1,000. FIM- For maintenance and repair 0 seventy-two playgrounds now P“"’g‘°‘mdS· established, $3 ,000. For utensils, material, and labor, for establishment and main- S°*‘°°*g°“‘°°’· tenance of school {gardens, $4,000. For purchase o apparatus and technical books and extending the m§§{Ss*@;pg§gf"‘ equipment and for maintenance of the hysics de artments in the ’ Business, Central, Eastern, Western, and ll-irnbar High Schools, $3,000. For purchase of fixtures, apparatus, specimens, and materials and Clligstrr and bioltechnical books, for laboratories of the departments of chemistry °gy m°"°s‘ and biology in the Central, Eastern, Western, Business, and Dunbar High Schools, and J. Ormond Wilson and Myrtilla Miner Normal Schools, and installation of same, $2,500. Ma hi h Cm For equipment of the machine shops of the New Central High ,,,,1 ;§i,,§" °"°’ School, $25,000. C b. mak For cabinetmaker for replairing school furniture, $1,200. Tir; S: rm For extending the telep one- system to portable schools, to be brsse°ip0¤i§l°° °° ` expended under the electrical department, $1,500, or so much thereof asmay be necessary. · _ - _ Commit {mm For payment of necessary expenses connected with the orgamza- em Y ° ’ tion and conducting of commumty forums and citric centers in school buildings, including) uipment, Extures, and supplies for lighting and equipping the uiilldings, ppyment of janitor service, secretaries, teachers, organizers, and cler , and employees of the day schools may also be employgcs of the community forums and civic centers, $25 000; Provided, at not more than 0 per centum of this sum §,§§","g;,.,,,u,,,, shaillclbekgxpended for payment of secretaries, teachers, organizers, PMP-328- an er . ‘· S°£`o1•1’a$r;ditional equipment of the Armstrong Manual Training ”““‘“’ oo ’ 0,000. · · For the repair and extension of the equipment of the McKinley T,’,f,‘§,§§_1°Y mm Manual Training School, $10,000. For transportation fofmpu ils attending schools for tubercular r,,?§’,]$°§iZ,‘°' t“b°r°°` children, $1,000, or so m &ereof as ma be necessary: Provided, §;§'g;g_ That expendrtmes for car fares from this iimd shall not be sub'ect to the general limitations on the use of car fares covered by this dot. The children of officers and men of the United States Army 8-Dd d$lu°fg¤iq°Zl;'¤d- Navfy stationed outside of the District of Columbia shall be admitted ¤*”°°d· to the public schools without Ipayment of tuition. G ?tU{)rinme§ sl1;1>_e13og1rg>s: or- the construction and erection og ,,§;.‘;§g:*“;;° po a e sc oo , mc u necess grad' im rovements an °°° toilet facilities, $25,000. g uy mg, P ’ _ For additional amount required for an eiglht-room addition in- f.iY£3`2' cluding an assembly hall, to the Petworth Sc ool $20,000; and, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to enter mto contract or contracts for the construction of said build- °°"°”°°°‘ mgaat a total cost not exceeding $130 500. 0r_ additional amount re uired for fom~·room addition to the Rami: Burrvxlle School, $10,000· and the Commissioners of the Districtvof Columbia are hereby authorized to enter into contract or contracts C°“*"‘°** for said at a cost not to exceed $60,000. — ‘ ” Fmdvm mm For addition amount required for the emotion of an eight-room em, °°' building rn the fifth division between Eighteenth and enticth "°" ""”‘“"*· Streets and _Monroe and Newton Streets northeast, $20,000; and the Commissioners of the Dbtrict of Columbia are hereby authorized Cm to enter coorggract or contracts for said buildiq at a cost not , 5, • " . JM `tiond arnount_requ·ired gggghsx of an  %& 2 , melmdrngasenr ‘ gyumnmim- , » , T and theammionmsof the D%ui¤teo£0¤l¤rnh¤•»¢rs hereby¤a¤thm~