Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/109

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88 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7. 1919. otherwise, including two clerks, at $1,000 each; two drivers, at $780 each; six guards, at $660 each; janitor, $660; three matrons, at $720 each, to possess lice powers of arrest; miscellaneous expenses, including rent, fudl? as, 1ce, laundry, meals, maintenance of motor station velhiclle and ogier nicessary expenses, $7,000; in all, $17,340, or so muc thereo asma enecess . mem pmt:. Hannon PATROL: Two hngineers, $1,000 each; two Bremen, one watchman, and two deck hands at $660 each; in all, $5,300. For fuel, construction, maintenance, repairs, and incidentals, $3 500; ln all, $8,800. H81;g}1i;g_¤¤» ¤*<=~· fs- POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN’S RELIEF FUND. 1;:.}% wd =¤¤w· To pay the relief and other allowances authorized by law, a sum not anV0l.39fnp.718. to exce;g0¥2_18/524.36 is appropriated from the policemen and iiremen’s r ~' rm . Firedspuunm. , FIRE DEPARTMZENT. ¤¤1¤¤¤=· Chief engineer, $3,500; two deputy chief engineers, at $2,500 each; eight battalion chief engineers, at $2,000 each; fire marshal, $2,000; deputy fire marshal, $1,400; four inspectors, at $1,080 each; chief clerk, $2,000; clerk, $1,400; clerk (who shall be a stenographer and typewriter), $1:,400; thirty-eight captains, at $1,500 each; forty lieutenants, at $1,320 each; orty-one sergeants, at $1,200 each; superintendent of machinery, $2,000; assistant superintendent of machinery, $1,200; twenty-seven engineers, at $1,200 each; twenty- seven assistant engineers, at $1,140 each; two pilots, at $1,150 each; two marine engineers, at $1,200 each; two assistant marine engineers, at $1,140 each; two marine firemen, at $840 each; three hundred and forty-two privates of class two, at $1,140 each; one hrmdred and

 grivattg of class one, at $960 each; hostler, $600; laborer, $600;

m a , 761, 0. R°¤°*”*°"'*“‘“°g’· lgrsonutgwgousz For repairs and improvements to engine houses an groun _, 16,000; ,,§{°"°*”‘°“"*’“"°"‘“· For repaus to apparatus and motor vehicles and other motordrrven apparatus, and for new apparatus, new motor vehicles, new apphances, employment of mechanics, helpers, and laborers in the fire—departrnent repair shop, and for the purchase of necessary supgmm. plies, materials, equipment, and tools: Provided, That the commisp,,,,‘?'€,§Q,'§;°“°“‘ °‘ '°' sroners are authorized, in_the1r discretion, to build or construct, in whole or in part, fire-fighting apparatus in the iire-department repair shgp, $20,000; Supplia. or hose, $12,000; For fuel, $35,000; fii or purchase of horses, $5,000 ; or or e, $20,000; For repadrs and improvements of fire boat, $2,500; °¤¤¤¤¤¤°°*P¤¤¤ For- contingent expenses, horseshoe ¤, furniture, fixtures, oil, medical and stable supplies, harness, blaudlrsmithing, gas and electric lrghtmg, flags and h yards, and other necessary items, cost of installation and maintenance of telephones in the residences of the

ggmachmery and the fire marshal, $25,000;

n , , . N¤*·M¤¤*¤¤·¤*¢· lzernganent i;r;prp(*•;0e1nents: For one aerial hook and ladder truck, mo or nven, ,0 ; For three fire engines, motor driven, at $10,500 each; $5Bé¢6x6thre1ecombmation chemical and hose wagons, motor driven, at y GM S