Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1113

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 29[ 1921. 1093 Homestead Act as to residence, cultivation, and improvement: Pro- Promise. vided, That patent shall not issue for said east half of the northwest °‘“"'“’ ’“"°’· quarter of section three until said tract shall have been duly SUI`- ve ed by the Government. _ _ ms Homestead application naught thirty-seven thousand eight hun- Wmm t°°‘ dred and sixty-six, Rapid City series, of William Holsten, for the northeast quarter of the southeast uarter of section fifteen, townshi two north, range five east, Black Htills meridian, in the State of South Dakota. Sec. 5. That the allotment a lieation made by Johnn Steele (Bull) for and on behalf of his xgiiior child, Ed Steele (Bullg, under m{¤,¤‘g,r<z;,1¤¤¤v3:·1i_¤¤¢¤d- the fourth section of the Act of February 8, 1887· (Tweniy-fourth '°' Statutes at Large, page 388), as amended, for the south h of the south half, section twenty-seven, township forty-three north range twelve east, Mount Diab 0 meridian, be, and the same is hereby, validated: Provided, That such allotment is toexhaust any right in §f,°",,,"{’g,,,,, 6,,,,., ,,,_ the minor when he becomes of age to make entry under the provisions l·>w¤d ms ¤¤i¤<¤· of the general homestead laws. S S Mmm, Sec. 6. That the Secretar§ of the Interior? is hereby authorized sinslma psaiim. and directed to sell to S. S. arkleg, within a period o ninety days from and after the passage of this ct, at the or@nal purchase price of $1,800, the southeast quarter of section two, townsléplthree south range twelve west, Indian meridian, Cotton County, ahoma, and issue to him a patent therefor. - · mma mm Sec. 7. That Mattie R. Mayer, of Shreveport, Louisiana, be, and naupmia entry hereby is, authorized to enter at the minimum price of $1.25 per °"“‘°”"°"· acre, the north fractional half of the south half of section twenty-one, townshi seventeen north, range thirteen west, Louisiana meridian, _. Caddo garish, Louisiana, in virtue of her long settlement, bona fide ,.m,_,_ title and possession, and valuable iuigrovements thereon: Prwukd, <{,¤d¤¤;,,··ss5g¤n¤¤· That the entry made hereunder sh be subject to a reservation ‘p' ‘ imder the Act of July 17, 1914, of all rights in the oil deposits that may be found therein. Th H Hound Sec. 8. That the soldiers’ additional homestead a plication num- negxsaad ami bered na ht sixteen hundred and nine§y—three, .l)uneau, Alaska, ,'?*@*,:,‘§dg_°,§,§§‘°“ tiled on dllly 8, 1914, by Thomas H. Ho and assignee of Clark S. Bemis, for a tract of land embraced in United States survey numbered nine hundred and forty-one, dbugg approved, contai six and fift one-hundredths acres, descri by metes and bounds, on which final certificate issued December 18 1914, be, and the same is hereby, validated, and the Secretary of the Interior authorized to issue patent thereon. _ ,,.hm“H_m,,,m,,_ Sec. 9. That the sold1ers’ additional homestead application num- Homestead ent'! bored naught sixteen hundred and ninety-four, Juneau, Alaska, filed ,,'?'(§‘l,§‘,§°;*y°S;;§‘;'§§,“}?° on July 8, 1914, bg Thomas H. Holland, assignee of George Fritzmger, for a tract of lan embraced United States survey numbered mne hundred and forty-two, containing three and ninety-nine one hundredths acres, descrxbed by metes and bounds, on which final certificate issued December 18, 1914, be, and the same is hereby, validated, and the Secretary of the Interior authorized to issue patent thereon. · Sec. 10. That upon the survey of an island, locally lgnown_as n£d°tAmh°°y’;d°` “lsland Park," situated in the North Fork of Snake River m section ,,,¥{‘¥»,}’k°5°",,j"t,f,,,_ I" one, townsh; seven north, range forty east, Boise meridmp, Idaho A#¢»P·¤· the city of aint Anthony, through its proper representative, shall have the right to purchase said island so surveyed for pa.rk and memorial purposes, for a period of sixty days after the filing of the oilicial plat 0 such survey in the United States local land office, at the rate of $1.25 per acre: Pvwuied, That the island herein mentioned manga gu, mm. shall be used by the city of Saint Anthony for park and memorial °¤°*·