Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1142

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1122 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 70. 1921. tion should make the total compensation of an teacher in excess of $2,740 per annum, then only such portion of the increased compensation as will mak; toppl cclimpensation of such teacher equal $2,740 er annums a e a owe ; Salaries in uw 0, In all; for teachers, $2,955,660. present basic mes. The salaries appropriated herein for teachers, clerks, and librarians, in all classes during the iiscal year 1922 shall be in lieu of the present basic_or initial salaries for such classes, and the present rates PWM of longevityancreases of pay for the sa1d_ classes shall Qgplply to the Yegxpgagemi for ami basic or dglitigl salgrgeslgppropmgmp gleroim: £’romdfd,k at golribthe · year en ime , , eac o e eac ers, c er s, an rarians in said classes shall receive placing in the class to whiclrassigned io that eachd tgachiar shall receive rn ailldrgonhgzuo ghe baslilc salalrtly erem provide a 0 evity increase w `c s e equ to the Librarians and longevity increase whlgh is next above that received June 30, 1921. areas. Librarians and clerks at minimum salaries as follows: Ten librarians in high and normal schools in class five, at $1,200 Vamm schom eaili; thirty-five clerks clazis four, at $960 e_acl;; intall, $45é600. acarrori scnoorsz or e ro er care, ins r·uc ion, an supervision of children in the vacationpsclgools and playgrounds, and supervisors, teachers, and janitors of vacation sc ools and playgrounds may also be supervisors, teachers, and janitors of day schools, $20,000. L°°¤°"“>’ P°’· Lonenvrrr rar: For longevity pay for director of intermediate instruction, sigpervising principals, supervisor and assistant supervisor of manu training, prrnciplals of normal,_high, manual trarmnag high, and ]un1or high schools, the_ass1stant principals of the (lentr woshall e eano girso e enr lg oo, easss ri M°Km%edMmr Trymisesh rharsnr Paar: principal (who shall be dean of girls) of the Dunbar High School, principals of grade maéiual traupng schools, heads of gleipartmentsi irector an assistant irector o rimary instruction, ·ectors an assistantd directors ofkf:-swing, plliysicgl culture,hmusic, dogestig science, omestic art, e artens, an enmans i , rinci an teachers in Americanizatiorigwork, teachgrs, clerks? hlirariaris and Vol.34,p.320. clerks, and librarians to be paid in strict conformity with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to fix and regulate the salaries of 3,,‘·’*;}_· §gé,P§,j;f9g,.,l"g; teachers, sch_00l_officers, and other employees of the board of educaist. tion of the District of Columbia," approved June 20, 1906, as amended by the Acts approved May 26, 1908, May 18, 1910, and June 26, 1912, €;§»gi·»._ __t $575,000: Provided, That no part of this sum shall be (paid to any °"’“‘c’ ’°‘““s‘ °‘ person who, in the opinion of the board of education an the super- Pm____im,q intendent of schools, has an unsatisfactory efliciency rating. .x<mrmmii pay for Ar.r.owA1~:cr·1 ro rnrxcrrarsz For allowance to prrncipa s of grade

  • -"“"°‘* S°“°°"’· school buildings for services rendered as such, in addition to their

_ grade salary, to be paid in strict conformity with the provisions of l °““* p` im the Act, entitled "An Act to iix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, andother employees of the board of education of the W Mschwlx District of Columbia, approved June 20, 1906, 640,000. _ ‘ lg Brorrr scr100Ls: For teachers and Janitors of n ht schools, including teachers of industrial, commercial, and traige instruction, and teachers and Lanitors of night schools may also be teachers and janitors of day_sc ools, $75,000. `£¤¤iPm°¤°·‘**°· For contmgent and other necessary expenses, including equipment and purchase of all necessary articles and supplies for classes 111 indus- Tmhem_rEm€mB¤t trial, commercial, and trade instruction, $5,000. _ _ fund, _ _ TnAcrrmzs’ RETIREMENT FUNDS lfor payment of annuities, the unex- §¤·:PP*°P*3js?g¤¤¤ pended balances of the appropriations for- such purpose for the fiscal ”"°p' ’m‘ years 1920 and 1921 are reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year 1922.