Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1152

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1].32 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crr. 70. 1921. for regulating traflic therein, and for other purposes, approved June dmv 30i?1906, $1,000. f f d f 1 ' or necess ex enses 0 ins ction o a` arms, inc udin mmS'm` amoimts thatilriynay Ilia allowed th; health ofhg, assistant healtii oflicer, chief medical inspector in charge of contagious—disease service, and inspectors assiiied to the inspection of dairy farms, for maintenance by each of a orse and vehicle at not to exceed $25 per month, or motor vehicle at not to exceed $30 per month, for use in the discharge of his official duties, and allowances for such other inspectors in the service of the health department as the commissioners may determine, of not to exceed $15 per month for maintenance of a motor cycle each, or of not exceeding $25 per annum for the maintenance of a bicycle each, for use in the discharge of their official duties, and _ other necess traveling ex enses, $7,500.

 """" “‘ Garfield ahldy Providence §osp\¥als: For isolating wards for minor

contagious diseases at Garfield emorial and Providence Hoe itals, maintenance, $10,000 and $6,500, respectively, or so much thereof as in the opinion of the commissioners may be necessary; in all, _ $16,500. g’Q,€"§§§H0,pit,,;_ For necessary repairs to the annex (contagious disease ward) of the Garfield Memorial Hospital, $3,000. P*°Vid°¤°°H°¤P**8‘· For necessary re airs to the annex (contagious disease ward), Providence Hospitaij $2,000. C¤¤¤¤*°'Y· For maintenance, including personal services, of the public cremato , $2,500. V*=hi*=‘¤=*· ger the maintenance of one motor vehicle for use in the pound service, $600. , For equipping, maintaining, and operating the motor—ambulance, and kee mg it in good order, $600. veggmimes $,1%*;} For the maintenance of a dispensary or dispcnsaries for the treatpcassnes. ment of persons suffering from tuberculosis and of persons suffering from venereal diseases, including ayment for personal service, rent, Qgyggér mmm and supplies, $12,500: Provided, 'iihat the commissioners may accept ` such vo unteer services as they deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the dispensaries herein author- Pay r>r¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤· ized: Provided further, That this shall not be construed to authorize the expenditure or the payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service. dghild Welfm Se For clinical examination, advice, care, and maintenance of children cir}, ot eminem an- under six years of a e, under acontract to be made with the Child Wel- "°““· fare Society by the health officer of the District of Columbia, $18,000. er;1‘¤b·¤·=¤1¤¤i¤ S¤¤¤¤‘· To aid persons of moderate means who are suffering from tuberrixam. culosis to obtain adequate sanitarium and hospital care, $3,000. €·>¤¤¤~ COURTS.

 °* """’”k" '°' For eleven copies of volumes fifty-six and fifty-seven of the reports

Vol- 31 P·6°9· of the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, authorized to be furnished under section 229 of the Code of Law for the District of _ Columbia as amended July 1, 1902, at $5 each, $110. ,u§§§E,Z“C2‘§¤?"“t°m’ Przosarros SYSTEM, Surname Counr: Probation officer, $2,200; assistant probation officer, $1,400; stenographer and typewriter and assistant, $900; contingent e. enses, $325; maintenance of motor vehicle used in performance gpoflicial duties, at not to exceed $30 _ per month, $360; in all, $5,185. §§,§$,’?Q,? °°“"‘ Juvnxrra counrz Judge, $3,600; clerk, $2,000; deputy clerk, who is authorized to act as clerk in the absence of that officer, $1,480 ; financial clerk, who is authorized to act as deputy clerk, $1,200; stenographer and typewriter, who is authorized to act as a de uty clerk, $1,080; stenographer and typewriter for judges work. ang to aid in keeping