Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1182

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1162 SIXTY-SIXTH GONGRESS. Sess. III. cs. so. 1921.

 . Treasury Department $12 600: Provided That no person shall be

my mmcum employed hereunder at a rate of compenshtion exceeding $2,000 per was msi Insurance “mmm· Bums. ammo or wan msi: msrrasuca. iiiiiéiiiiiéiulissllispiwizii The allotments made to the War De artment b the Bureau of . P Y

,‘}*’;',,'{‘f‘,‘j,‘g,§,f,‘;‘,§,’§°,°g’,iZ War Risk Insurance during the fiscal year 1921 shall also be avail-

¤¤¤$ f¤r· able for expenditure in the sum of not to exceed $750,000 for alterations, imgrovements, and aumliaiy structures at the Fitzsimons General ospital to provide additional accommodations for bene- Vohmw Soldiers, ticiaries of such bureau. . _ . . mm. The allotments made to the Board of Managrs of the National A“°“"°“°F‘?·"’“"‘“ Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers b the ureau of War Risk ving facihtim for _ y ggiewsriu M- Insurance shall mcludesuch sums as mav be necessary to alter, improve, or (provide facilities m the several branches under_ such board’s juris `ction so as to furnish aderipate accommodations for such beneficiaries of the Bureau of War 1sk Insurance `as may 'be committed to its care. ,,,§Xb“° H°°m' S"` mmmc HEALTH smzvrcm. P°y'°t°"°f°m°°”' For pay, allowance, and commutation of quarters for sioned medical officers, including the Surgeon General, assistant surgeons general at large not exceeding three in number, and phar- _ macists $139,080. ,$§°g°S’*S°”°°s`"` got pay of acting assistant surgeons (noncommissioned medical _ officers $68,200. F'““h°’°“v°l’ °°°` For fieight, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the expenses, except membeishipiees, of officers when officially detailed to attend meetmgs of associations for the promotion of pub IC health, $17,000. Hy°°m° L°b°”m°7` For completing the equipment of the new addition to the Hygienic Laboratory, including necessary labor in the installation of the same, $15,000. icg°(iiiSl’ SS§;}i1sZ°ri6 For medical, surgical, and hospital services and suplpllies for war— b°¤°“°*°·'*°¤- risk insurance patients and other beneficiaries of the blic Health Service, and so forth including the same objects specified under this head in the Sundry Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1920, . $1,000,000. 4.:i§§i°°°° °I °pl' Prevention of epidemics: To enable the President, in case only of threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, typhus fever, yellow fever, smallpox, bubomc plague, Chinese plague or black deat , trachoma, intluenaa, or infantile paralysis, to aid State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventixigl and suppressing the spread PWM of the same, and in such emergency in e execution of any rilligraunmiisii report rs. tine laws which may be then in orce, $450,000: Provwklcd, at a ‘i'·‘”°d· detailed report of the expenditures hereunder shall annually hereafter be submitted to Congress. Coast Guard. coasr GUARD. anl>i8gh1isitecd’mg1iYice¤ For pay and allowances prescribed bélaw for commissioned officers, cadets and cadet engineers, warrant officeis, petty officers, and other enlisted men, active and retired, temporary cooks and surfmen, sub- Fw etc stitute surfmen, and one civilian instructor, $1,000,000. ’ For fuel and water for vessels, stations, and houses of refuge, $250,000. ¤A£6`$°°“*°'°°°m For carrying out the proyisions of section 3 of the Act entitled "_j°,f;,§_¤é.,g_°· "An Act to increase the efficiency of the ersonnel of the Life-Saving Service of the United- States, approved Lfarch 26, 1908, and the provisions of the Naval Appropriation Act approved June 4, 1920, in