1172 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 89. 1921. ,°;¢¤¤=¤¤d 2** P¤°b· Irrigation near Jemez and Zia Pueblos, New Mexico, 1920, $164.65. wma River. _Irri)1gat1c{)1i prpgggt,;gle)d lands, Wind River Reservation, Wyoming, rerm ursa e , . 9. amuse:. Irrigation system, Blackfoot Reservation, Montana, reimbursable, 1912% $169.61. Yakima. aintenance and operation irrigation system Yakima Reservation Washington, reimbursable, 1920, $139.81. ’ . l Nemo. Maintenance and operation, Ganado irrigation project, Navajo Reservation, Arizona, reimbursable, 1920, $101.96. sm xsvm. Maintenance and operation, pumping plant, San Xavier Reservation, Arizona, rermbursable, 1920, $347.52. Papago vmages. Maintenance and operation, water works, Papago Indian villages, Surveying etcxeser- Arizona! l920» $9'79° mms. ’ Surveying and allotting, Indian reservations, reimbursable, 1920, Navajo and Hopi $1’411°50' . wmrsuppry. Water supply, Navajo and Hopi Indians, Arizona, reimbursable, 1918-19, $2.94. d H Water supply, Navajo an 'opi Indians Arizona, reimbursable P 1920, $3,000. ’ ’ H¤P°€° "i;°g°; rd Water supply, Papa? Indian villages, Arizona, 1920, $152.56. p,,,{€hw°" °°° ° ° I;1§hway from Mesa erde Nationa Park to Gallup, New Mexico, e1oi:kiir?}§atm£°S°wa` r61’l!i>pl;§rlisli.3, (Si1?c§>i6Creeks Irrigation System, Yakima Reser- _ vation, Washington, reimbursable, 1920, $4,000. ,,t§,,‘§ ‘ l"° Supiplressrng contagious diseases among live stock of Indians, $3,000. n $258 585.21. §§;;‘{°‘;fé;°;,‘1e:, ,0, To pay the,Pawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma in full and final maspmnmcmm. settlement for the purchase by the United States of one hundred andh sixdiiyzinilnse thousargd thrw-ie hpndged) and sixty——eighi;1 alrgd two Y one- un e t acres 0 surp us an elonging to said awnee l'°l'27•p‘°“' Tribezhiméler the Act of Congress appripved Marcéh 3, 1893 (Twenty}; seven tatutes p es 612-644) the sum o $312 811.27 wit interest thereon fi·omBSe tember 3,,1920, at the rate of ,5 er centum . . P per annum, as provide ur said Act of Con ess of March 3 1893, . . sr . v and in pursuance of the finding of the Court of Claims of December 6, 1920, as set forth in Senate ocument Numbered 311, Sixty-sixth Congress, third session. Education Bureau. B U OF EDUCATION. T”"°u”g °Xp°”S°S` For necessagy traveling expenses of the commissioner and employ- ees acting un er_his duection, including attendance at meetings of educational associations, societies, and other organizations, $3,000.
- 1*****- ·rmuzrror.r or susan.
ccihlgrcgigmwing Alaskan Engineering Commission: For reimbursement of the n;g§eg¤¤durg{g··eIjg appropriation for construction and operation of railroads in Alaska demic. for the value of supplies and services furnished by the Alaskan Engineering Commission rn the care of sick and indigent natives of Alas a during an epidemic of influenza in the vicinity of Nenana, Alaska, during Aprr and May, 1920, $5,869.84, or so much thereof as may be necossarv. Mines Bureau. " BUREAU or Mzmns. Leasing _ coal, oil, F · H {end ,ts_ or the enforcement of the Act entitled An Act to omote the
¤€¤1¤- of coal, phosphates, oil, oil shale, gas, and sodiiim on the
public domain, a@0ved February 25, 1920, and of the rules and am, ,..4::. regulations prescn by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the provisions of such Act, and for every other expense incident