Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1227

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SIXTY-SIXTH corennss. sm. III. ca. 113. 1921. 1207 SALARIES, rirrnnrnnrnas ro nmsassms AND LEGATIONS. Interpreter to legation and consulate general to Persia, $2,000; I¤"°'P'°”°’5- Interpreter to legation and consulate general to Bangkok, Siam, $2,000; _ For ten student interpreters at the legation to China, who shall be ,,,§°°d°‘" mmm citizens of the United States, and whose duty it shall be to study the In cams. Chinese language with a view to supplying interpreters to the legation and consulates in China, at $1,500 each, $15,000: Provided, That the Qgyyggm ww method of selecting said student interpreters shall be nonpartisan: tion. _ And provided further, That upon receiving such appointment each Tm" °fs°m°°' student interpreter shall sign an agreement to continue in the service as an interpreter at the legation or consulates in China so long as his services may be required within a period of five years; For the ayment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters in '*`““*°¤· China, at the rate of $350 per annum each, $3,500; For six student interpreters at the embassy to Japan, who shall be I”“P°°· citizens of the United States, and whose duty it shall be to study the Japanese language with a view to supplying interpreters to the embassy and consulates in Japan, at $1,500 each, $9,000: Provided, Qggiggimn mw That the method of selecf said student interpreters shall be non- tion. partisan: And (provided ful;/ger, That upon receiving such appoint- '*`°"¤ °‘S°"‘i°°- ment each stu ent interpreter shall sign an agreement to continue in the service as an interpreter at the embassy or consulates in Japan so long as his services may be required within a period of five years; For the payment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at mtimthe embassy to Japan, at the rate of $200 per annum each, $1,200; For four student inter reters at the embassy to Turkey, who shall I" T`"k°" be citizens of the Unitedp States, and whose duty it shall be to study the language of Turkey and any other language that may be necessary to qualify them for service as interpreters to the embassy and _ consulates in Turkey, at $1,500 each, $6,000: Provided, That the §{,';,";§,°,§,s,m Sola, method of selecting said student interpreters shall be nonpartisan: ¢i<>¤- And provided further, That upon receiving such appointment each Tim °'s°”l°°· student interpreter shall sigtp an agreement to continue in the service as an interpreter to the em assy and consulates in Turkey so long as his services may be required within a period of five years; For the payment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at T““‘°**· the embassy to Turkey, at the rate of $200 per annum each, $800; R . No person drawinghthe salary of interpreter or student interpreter 1-as smm°° °° rr as above provided s all be al owed any art of the salary appropriated for any secretary of legation or other officer; Total, $39,500. QUARTERS FOR STUDENT rivrnnrniarnns AT nunassms. For rent of quarters for the student interpreters attached to the ,,,3,§,“{§§,‘Q“,,{°' “°d°”° embassy to Japan, $1,200; For rent of uarters for the student interpreters attached to the embassy to Tur(lsey, $600; Tota , $1,800. coyrrxemxr nxrsxsas, roumoiv mssroivs. To enable the President to provide, at the public expense, all such ;¤g{§§°}.§;‘°5'§i¤L”?”S°°’ stationery, blanks, records, and other books, seals, presses, iiags, and signs as he shall think necessary for the several embassies and legations in the transaction of their business, and also for rent, repairs, postage, telegrams, furniture, typewriters, including exchange of same. messenger service, compensation of kavasses, guards, drago-