Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1234

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1214 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 113. 1921. SEAMEN,S MISSION AT mo nn Jamazmo, BRAZIL.

i°¤’ Annual contribution toward the support of the seamen’s mission

at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, $50. Cr§,°§fl§'?"m°° °fW” INTEBALLIED comtmrrrnn ron rm: nnnnucarron or wan cR11>r1.ns. eegiiilxiiibugiiiilisiiit¤i1;° For the contribution of the United States toward the maintenance ‘°’· of the permanent Interalhed Committee for the Reeducation of War Cripples, $6,000. Diplomatic and consular premises. nmnassr, LEGATION, AND CONSULAR BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. i$§§is`§1°§i.-,uses, For and grading the grounds of the American legation build- °°°· ing in the city of San Salvador, the construction on said grounds of driveways, sidewalks, tile court at back of building, fence, drains water tank, and for suih other (minor improvements as may be found necessary, $11,000, to e imme `ately available. Pa!-is Fya¤cg_ · • • • • • • 1. a' d buildings For the acquisition of land and buildings in Paris France to be ‘°’*%b§Y· used as the American embassy under the provisions of the iict of L d E umd Februapy 17j, 1911, $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. cid mi}: ngratssy The resident IS hereby authorized to accept, on behalf of the g;g§g*=g.?a2ggé§éd¤}'Pm‘ United States, for use as a res1dence_bdy;Ithe diplomatic representatives of the United States the land and buil gs thereon known as numbers 13-14 Pr1nce’s (iate in the city of London, England, and such other Pmim llangs and b1il{[d1ngs ai) form a plahrt of piéoperty, presented by rmcoueiinmm-s¤s. . ierpont or an: r at the ee of transfer of said ‘°" property to the Suited States lshall be unconditional and free from Tmem M mqmm gnghpimbraiicgi and shall4cp1nveOy)§1cll;•_est;aite ar-svhmaygve held by the said . e on organ: 11 pr e wrt er at the ro erty is held Ommms mbum_ on frelehold tenure and not on customary Ilondon grciiing lease. iuiiwe hcucmd Fordthe acquisitiolp ¢}f eimlgalslsy, legation, or Iponsular buildin§s and Sl · oun_sat any ora o the o owingp aces: ome Brussels erlin ,,,,,,,,m_ giristiama, Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Prague, ltionrovia, ,Vienna; Limit Budapest, Canton, Hankow, and Amoy, $300,000: Provided, That the Aww, 0, mm limit of cost shall not exceed the sum_of _$150,000 at any one place: mismn. And provided further, _That such acquisition shall be su ject to the Commigsmtomko appri\oval_0f1:»he}comm1stsion hiaremafter constituted. f 1 rs lo i» ·nm·, ere is ere > cons 1tute¢ a commission com osed o the chair- §¤§;mp05;ti0:;,_ gs tand the; rtsilnliiéig minority ngember of the Coriimittee OH Foreign e a ions o e nate the c airman and the kin mi 't member_ of the Committde on Foreign Affairs of til`1:DH0l.g6 ofuigdg resentatives, the_ Secretary of State, and the Secretary of the Treasury, of which the chairman of the Committee on Forei Relations of the Senate shall be the chairman, whose dut it shall it as consifler and forniiulate plllans or proposals for the purchase of emassy, egation, an cons ar buildings and grounds under the _ authority contained in this Act. ,,h‘§,l§‘h°}`}§'; *°,,§§fg With the approval of said commission and within a limit of cost 1¤re¤e¤ G<>~¢¤¤¤¢¤=S~ at any one place of $150,000, the Secretary of State shall have 0Wer to purchase from any foreign government suitable buildings, or buildings and grounds, for_embassy, legaiion, and consular p , separate or combined, in any city specified in connection with the foregoing appropriation of $300,000, and to effect a ent therefor Payment from debt E · . P ym · ,°,,,,, ,;,,,,,,1 Smeg by causing the purchase pnce thereof to be credited upon the obligations or debts of such government then held by or owing to the inited States, or by causing a part of such urchase rice so to be credited, paying the remander in money Ifrom a yilicable sums herembefore appropriated for the acquisition of em}iu.ssy,l;gation, cram ggbapmpztg and consular b dmgs and grounds; and when the Secretary State o.,,m,,,_ ° shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury that a purchase has been