Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1240

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1220 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 118. 1921. delivery of such coal, charcoal, or coke. Upon demand of the superintendent or any of his assistants or inspectors, or of the purcnaser or intended purchaser, his agent or representative, the person dehvermg such coal, charcoal, or coike shall convey the same forthwith_to some public scale, or to any legal] approved private scale in the District of Columbia, the owner of which may consent to its use, and shall permit the verifyin of the weight, and after the delivery of such coal, charcoal, or coke shall return forthwith with the wagon or other conveyance _ used to the same scale and permit to be verified the wehght of the §Q‘f§,"§‘§; of gmane, wagon or other conveyance: Provided, That when coal, c arcoal, or ¢l*¤¤*m°S· coke is sold in a uantity less than two hundred and eigihtly pounds and is not wei hed in a wagon, cart, or other vehicle, it s a be sufficient for the seller to deliver to the purchaser, his agent or representative, a ticket showing the name an address of the vender, the name P ,8 of the urchaser, and the true net weight of the coal, charcoal, or coke °°k°g° S" " so sold) or delivered: Provided further, That when coal, charcoal, or coke is sold in packages of fifty pounds or less, it shall be sufficient to — plainly mark each package with the name of the person, firm, or corporation making such package and the true net weight of the coal, Moisme Hmm charcoal, or coke contained therein. No coal, charcoal, or coke shall be sold which contains at the time the weight is taken more water or other liquid substance than is due Nmwmmdor cm, to the natural condition of the coal, charcoal, or coke. on vehicle- Every vendor of coal, charcoal, or coke shall cause his name and address to be conspicuously displayed on both sides of every vehicle I used by or for him for the sale or delivery of coal, charcoal, or coke. n°§gqne¤¤s ru sue Sec. 12. That it shall be unlawfulto sell, within the District of l’Y "‘·"¥"‘· Columbia, any ice in any manner other than by weight, such weight to be ascertained at the time of delivery of such ice, and every person, or in case of a firm, copartnership, or corporation, the person m charge of its business in the District of Columbia, en aged in the sale of 1ce shall keep on each of his or its wagons or oaier vehicles used in the sale or elivery of ice, while in use, a scale suitable for weighing ice which has been tested and approved in accordance S"“°'“*""°"‘°“°" wit the provisions of this Act. Every scale used for weivlririg ice in making sales in quantities of one hundred pounds or less shall ave graduations of one pound or less. Scales used for weighing ice in making sales in guantities of more than one hundred pounds may have graduations of ve pounds or less. §*{°§§’,‘d,,,,d ,0,,, Sec. 13. That the standard loaf of bread manufactured for sale ¤¤¤¤¤¢d- sold, offered or exposed for sale in the District of Columbia shall weigh one lpoimd avoirdupois, but bread may also be manufactured for sale, so d, offered or exposed for sale in loaves of one—half pound, or in multiples of one pound, but shall not be manufactured for sale, _ sold, offered or ex(posed for sale in other than the aforesaid weight. §§§’§}f,,f°°‘“’°d· Every loaf of brea manufactured for sale, sold, offered or exposed for sale in the District of Columbia shall have affixed thereon, in a conspicous place, a. label at least one inch square, or, if round, at least one inch in diameter, upon which label there shall be printed in plain bold·face Gothic gype, not smaller than twelve·~point, the weight of the loaf 111 ppun , pounds, or fraction of a pound, as the case may be, whether the loaf e a standard loaf or not, the letters and ggpres of which shall be dprinted in black ink upon white paper. Sum at hmm e business name and ad ess of the maker, baker, or manufacturer me of the loaf shall also be plainly rinted on each such label. Eve seller of bread in the District of Eolumbia shall keep a suitable scallii which shall have been inspected and approved in accordance with the provisions of this Act, in a conspicuous place in his bake , bakesh , or store or other place Where he is engaged in the $36 of breziil: and shall, whenever requested by the buyer, and in the presence of the buyer, weigh the loaf or loaves of bread sold or ofered