Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1267

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SIXTY-SIXTH conennss. sm. III. cn. 119. 1921. 1247 roll re ared b the Secretary of the Interior ursuant to Act of B€¤°“°i”·"°S, Au pstll, 1914 }lThirty-eighth Statutes at Large?pages 582 to 605), v°l`38'p°60` an? contained in House Document Numbered 1663, said sum of $10,000 to be expended in the purchase of land or for the benefit of said Indians by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs: Provided, That, €{§,’{“,,‘§,, ,,,,,,,3 ,,3,., in the discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, the per migfjé ,33 capita share of any of said Indians under this appropriation, and under ’ p' ` a ike appro riation of $10,000 made for the same purpose, in the Act approved February 14, 1920, may be paid in cas . _ The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion, to ¥,§'§".Q',§‘,§{{§"S‘,,,,,,,,,,,, withdraw from the Treasm? of the United States, so much as may *°·'*°*¤*'*°*>l)‘¤¤d¤· be necessary of the tribal unds of the Menominee Indians of Wisconsin, arising under the Acts of June 12, 1890 (Twenty-sixth Stat- Vol. ga, p. 14c;v¤1. utes, page 146), and March 28, 1908 (Thirty-fifth Statutes, page 35’P‘5" 51), and to make therefrom a per capita payment or distribution of not to exceed $50 to such Indians entitled thereto under such rules 1,,,,,,,%,,,,, ,,,.,,,,, and regulations as he may prescribe. And the authority granted in metgss paragraph shall be effective immediately upon the approval of t ct. WYOMING. W’°‘“‘“g‘ Sec. 24. For support and civilization of Shoshone Indians in §{}§‘,§‘,§}‘§°§gc_,,,;_ Wyoming, including pay of employees, $15,000, payable out of tribal fimds of said Indians. For support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the R°s°"“"°“ °°h°°*· Indian school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyoming, including pay of superintendent, $27,500; for general repairs and improvements, $5i'Q00;in all, $3%,5gg. h _ W _ F f h _ Fuuming mm or su port o os ones m yomm : or ay o ysician, V0, ,5, _5,,,_ · teacher, dixrpenter, miller, engineer, farmeg, and bllacksmiih (article P 10, treaty of July 3, 1868), $4,000; for pay of second blacksmith, and such iron and steel and other materials as may be required, as per article 8, same treaty, $1,000; in all, $5,000. _ For continuin the work of constructing an irrigation system within R,{s',§‘$‘§{{Z,’},_S’S*°m “‘ the diminished Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, in Wyoming, €¤¤¤¢¤¤¢¤¤¤· including the Big Wind River and Dry Creek Canals, and including the maintenance and operation of completed canals, $75,000, reimbursable as provided by existing law. For continuin the work of constructin roads and brid es within ,,,'§,°§‘§;,§‘,§,,_"""*’“° the diminished Shoshone or Wind River Iteservation, in €Vyoming, $15,000, said sum to be reimbursed from any funds which are now or may hereafter be placed in the Treasury to the credit of said Indians, to remain a charge and lien upon the lands and funds of said Indians until paid. _ Sec. 25. That in addition to the Indian tribal and treaty funds, frdiiiidthiigxillalfiinxxdgrllfdqi the expenditure of which is specifically authorized elsewhere in this §,“_,§¥3,‘_§;,§,;_· “‘ ’P°°*‘ Act, and such sums as may be required for equalization of allotments, education of Indian children, per capita and other payments to Indians, reimbursement to the United States of the expenditures from reimbursable apprqpriations, and expenditures for the Five

 Tribes, in accor ance with existin laws, the Secretary of

the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to expend not exceeding $1,222,004 from the funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes for support and civilization of the Indians under the jurisdiction of the following agencies, to wit: . .b . Arizona: Colorado River, $4,250; Fort Apache, $75,000; Fort i)n°3i£u°°' Mojave, $2,450; Kaibab, $2,000; Leupp, $510; San Carlos, $100,000; Salt River, $4,500; Truxton Canyon, $15,000. Cm, . California: Cagtan Grande, $1,500; Hocpa Valley, $3,000; Malki, W"` $160; Round V ey, 38,020; Tule River, $1,500.