Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1269

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 119, 120. 1921. 1249 extended for the further and additional period of twenty—five years _ from the date of this Act: Provided, however, That the Secretary of §Q$'§$§3 if 1,,,,,,,,, the Interior may, with or without application of the Indian owner, ggggt ba ‘°¤¤d °°¤¤· remove such restrictions, wholly or in part, after he has found such ` Indian owner to be as competent as the averagg white man to conduct his own business affairs with benefit to himse , under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe in regard thereto, and concerning terms of sale and disposal of the proceeds for the benefit of the re— _ spective Indians: Provided further, That all said lands allotted to or ,,,,M,,§§“*",,,,l°§’§,f’*§,,@ inherited by the Quapaw Indians may, when subject to restrictions ¤”°¤¤¤¤'¤- against alienation, be leased for mining purposes for such period of time and under such rules, regulations, terms, and conditions only as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and said lands while restricted against alienation may be leased for mining purposes only as provided herein: And grrovided further, That the lgroduction mS°,':;°,,HE_?,X&,,‘g‘Hf,§_;$,€ of minerals on said lands may e taxed by the State of O ahoma in all respects the same as that produced on unrestricted lands, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause P to be paid from out of the individual Indian funds held underhis °""°"t' supervision, belonging to the Indian owner of the land, the tax so assessed against the royalt interests of the respective Indian owner N0, 8 ,,6,, on p,,,,p_ in such lproductionz Promiid, however, That such tax shall not be- my ¤11¤¤1-¤-¤- come a en or charge of any kind or character against the land or other propert of said Indian owner. C W T Sec. 27. Tgat the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, a,,dl°§r°,’§Y°wgu,m“m§l authorized and directed to aiglto Clarence W. Turner and Mrs. Hgfimm, ,0 Mm William B. Hord, widow of `am B. Hord, deceased, one-half to Creek funds. ’ each, out of any fimds in the Treasm·y of the United States belo ` to the Creek Nation, the sum of $6,967.50, be` in full settlement ol the claim of the said Clarence W. Turner B. Hord, deceased, against the said Creek Nation growing out of services per— formed by them under an act of the National Council of the Creek Nation approved January 31, 1895. Approved, March 3, 1921. 1. CHAP. 120.-An Act To amend section 3 of the Act of Cougrem of June 28, 1906, .ll;gjgé‘ll2_ entitled "An Act for the division of the lands and funds of the Osage Indians in *IP° l*°· N'; am} Oklahoma, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United O I di n Om States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the Act ohtgitg, i¤l21S rt; of June 28, 1906 (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page 539), entitled §§';§,?*,&‘°· '°" '“'°‘" “An Act for the division of the lands and funds of the Osage Indians in Oklahoma, and for other purposes," which reserves to the Os e Tribe the oil, gas, coal, or other minerals covered b the lands for ge selection and division of which provision is made in that Act is hereby amended so that the oil, gas, coal, or other minerals covered by said lands are reserved to the Os e Tribe for the riod ending Pm, April 7, 1946: Prooided, That all valid existin oil andpgas leases on msdgg on and gn the 7th da of Agril, 1931, are hereby renewed u on the same terms *°““ °"°“"°"· and extendred, su ject to all other conditions andp rovisions thereof, until the 8th day of April, 1946, and as long therealiter as oil or gies is Um ed, d t be found in paying quantities, and the Secretary of the Interior an the esermmiw ¤ii°ma°gaS Osage Council are hereby authorized and directed to offer for lease ‘°°’°S· for oil and gas purposes all of the rem ' portion of the unleased Osage land prior to April 8, 1931, offering the same annually at the rate of not ess than one-tenth of the unleased area. S , who Sec. 2. That the bona. fide owner or lessee of the surface of the land paid ax ciiiiilg mm shall be compensated, under rules and regulations prescribed by the ”“’“”g °P°'““°“·