Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1323

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cr-1. 124. 1921. 1303 of Commerce, transfer to the Bureau of Standards such sums as may u°'1:,';*§°,;‘u‘;*°;Q1¤d¤ *0 be necessary to carry on such investigations. The Secretary of the ` Treasruzl shall transfer on the books o the Treasury Department any sums w `ch may be authorized hereunder and such amounts shall be placed to the credit of the Bureau of Standards for the performance of wogk for the department or establishment from which the transfer is ma e. CONTINGENT nxrnnsns, DEPARTMENT or COMMERCE; For contin- C°““”g°“‘°‘p°“°“· gent and miscellaneous expenses of the offices and bureaus of the epartment, for which apprpipriations for contingent and miscellaneous exlpenses are not s eci cally made, including professional and scientiiic ooks, law books, books of reference, eriodicals, blank books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers (not exceeding $2,500)· stationery; furniture and repairs to same; caiipets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges; uel, lighting, and heating; purchase and exchange of motor trucks and bicycles; maintenance, regjair, and operation of one motor-propelled passenger-ca ' ve cle and of motor trucks and bicycles, to be used only for ogci:5 purposes; freight and express charges; postage to foreign countries; telegraph and telephone service· thewriters, adding machines, and other abor—saving devices, includilig their repair and exchange; repairs to building occupied by offices of the Secretary of Commerce; rental of water-cooling plant in Commerce Building, not to exceed $1,400; first-aid outfits for use in the buildings occupied by employees of this department; storage of documents belonging to the Bureau of lighthouses, not to exceed $1,500; street car fares, not exceeding $300; and all other miscellaneous items and necessary Awww t bed expenses not included in the foregoing, $50,000, and in addition umm r¤>m'¤ ; thereto sums amormting to $50,750 shall be deducted from other {•fh$;ug,{°§upg;*;‘*£ appropriations made for the fiscal year 1922 and added to the ap- mime. propriation "Contingent expenses, Department of Commerce," in V°1'3°’p‘531‘ order to facilitate the pruchase through the central purchasing office as provided in the Act of June_17, 1910 (Statutes at Large, volume 36, page 531), of certain supplies for bureaus and offices for which contingent and miscellaneous appropriations are specifically made as follows: Bureau of Foreign an Domestic Commerce- romof commerce $4,500, romoting commerce (South and Central)Ameril:I:_i.§ $3,000, commercial) attaches $6,000, promoting commerce in the Far East $4,000; general expenses, L§hthouse Service, $8,500; contingent expenses, Steamboablnspection erv1ce, $7,500; contingent expenses, shipping service, $500; instruments for measuring vessels, $500; instruments or counting passengers, $250; enforcement of wireless communication laws, $1,000; ureau of Standards—equipment $1,000, general expenses $1,000; general exyganses, Coast and Geodetic Sur- T ba d d vey, $4,500; miscellaneous expenses, ureau of Fisheries, $8,500; and thr:u$ 1iii$i1¤ °¤¢ the said total sum of $100,750 shall be and constitute the appro- SWF · priation for contingent expenses, Department of Commerce, to be expended thro h the central pruchasug office (Division of Supplies), Department of1%Yommerce, and shall _ so be available for o jects an purposes of the several appropriations mentioned under the title " Contingent expenses, Department of Commerce/’ in this_ Act. mw I Herea ter section 3683 0 the Revised Statutes of the United States rz. s., ¤i°¤.assa,p.i2a. shall not be construed to apply to any purchase made by the Department of Commerce when e aggregate amount involved does not exceed the sum of $25. _ For rent of buildings m the District of Columbia, $66,500. Bm- For rent of storage space outside the Commerce Building, $2,000.