Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1354

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1334 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 127. 1921. SP°°*6°d °l°i°°”· For investi ations of insects affect deciduous fruits, orchards, Fmm’°mhms'°tc` vineyarils, and nuts, $178,500, of whidlrg$10,000 shall be immediately avai ab e; ugggwl and f°’°€° For investigations of insects ailectilnlg cereal and forage crops, ` including a special investigation of the essran fly, grasshopper, and gggépmr mah the chinch bug, $190,000: Provided, That not less than $40,000 shall mtion. be used for investigating methods for the control and eradication of the grasshopper; _ _ _ S°““‘°“‘ md "’°P*· For investi ations of insects affecting southern field cross, including insects agecting cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane, an so forth, and the cigarette beetle and Argentine ant, $165,000, of which sum $25,000 shall be immediately available; §`,$§‘§jj For investigations of insects affecting forests, $55,000: Provided, u<>¤mb¤#€1i¤za1i¤f¤Si¤- That $15,000 shall be used for preventing and combating infestations °°s'°8 on ms S' of insects innrious to forest trees on and near the national forests independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Federal Government, with States, counties, municipalities, or with private owners; p,&§‘,§’§s,°§{’§f“* “°‘°‘l For investigations of insects affecting truck crops, including insects affectintg the potato, sugar beet, cabbage, onion, tomato, beans, peas, and so orth, and insects affecting stored products, $120,000, of which Beemlmm sum $l5,000_shall be immediate y availa_ le; Tropical and sub For investigations demonstrations in bee culture, $33,800; tropical fruits For investigations of insects affecting citrus and other tropical and subtropical p ants, and for investigations and control of the Mediterranean and other fruit flies, in cooperation with the Federal Hortimmmmwm ,u_ cultural Board, $56,500; _ _ sects ¤¤<§i1¤s health _For investigations, identification, and systematic classification of ° "”‘”’ miscellaneous insects, mcluding the study of insects affecti the _ health of man and domestic animals, household insects, aiid the Blow dy and mw importation and exchange of useful insects, $62,330: Provided, That "°””· $10,000 shall be used for investigations of the blow fly and screw . ._ worm; ps‘§§1§i°”t”°`° °x` Fongeneral administrative expenses connected with above lines of investigation, and for miscellaneous expenses incident thereto, $3,880; G S ml bmw In al , for general expenses, $865,010. au’£¤lis. Pnrzvnurmo Srmzxn or Morris, BUREAU or Errromonoorr To C°”"°"*"“I"°“‘°’· enable the Secretary of Agriculture to meet the emergency caused by the continued spread of the gypsy and brown tail moths by conducting such experiments as may be necessary to determine the best methods of controllixiig these insects; by introducing and establishing the cwpmtm qumm parasites an_ natural enemies of these insects and colonizing them tméigginst. 315 __ within the infested territory; establishing and maintaining 8. · ¥’P· · *°"· eiiiarantine against further sprc in such manner as is provided b t egeneral nursery·stock law, a proved August 20, 1912, as amendecz entitled "An Act to regulate tie importation of nursery stock and other plants and plant products, to enable the Secret of Agriculture to establish and maintain céuarantine districts formplant diseases and insect pests, to permit an regulate the movements of fruits, plants, and vegetables therefrom, an for- other purposes," in cooperation with the authorities of the different States concerned and with the several State experiment stations, including rent outside of the pistrict og Clgluriibia, the paipiiiyment of labor in the city of Washnan e ew ere, an o ern ex nses, $400,000.

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P'°'·'°¤¤¤¢ ’P'°°*’ °'· Errrouonoerz To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to meet the emergency caused by the spread of the European corn borer, and to provide means for the control and prevention of spread of this insect tbrogghout the United States, in cooperation with the States concern , including employment of persons and means in the city of