Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1368

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1348 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 128. 1921. ment thereof, and for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial and service, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922, and for other purposes, namely: FORTIFICATIONS AND OTHER WORKS OF DEFENSE. E¤gi¤°°’ D°P°'*· ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. mént. m°l'§§'?“”dm°"“'°°° For construction of gun and mortar batteries, $300,000, together

    • "“~°·6°8· with not to exceed $300,000 of the appropriation for this purpose

for the fiscal year 1921. E‘“"l“°°m°"“‘ For modernizing older emplacements, $13,900. P”s°"“‘i°“’°°°‘ For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for which there may be no special appropriation available, and of structures for the submarine-mine de ense of the United States and for mam- P taining channels for access to submarine-mine wharves, $300,000. 1’“'s‘ For preparation of plans for fortifications and other works of e¤E¢`ii)£%§i¤rsit°" M deglizirsihggftgggnce and repair of searchlights and electric light and power equipment for seacoast fortifications, and for tools, eéctrical and other su lies, and a liances to be used in their o eration _ _ PP PP _ P » Submma m I ,, ,, including the purchase of reserve lights, $160,000. =’¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤=· _For construction of casemates, cable galleries, submarineniilme storehouses, cable ta ,dand otper lstructures necessary for t e operation reservation an care o su marine mines and their Am p_w8_ accessories, arid) for providing channels for access to submarine-mine ' wharves, a sum not exceeding $50,000 of the appropriation for this Installing ,,;.0,,,,, puipose for_the fiscal year 1921 is made available. gtL=}¤*S· ¤°•*°’-¤“8¤*=¤· or the installation and replacement of electric light and power plants at seacoast fortifications in the United States, and the purchase gud msgalflagion of searchlights for seacoast defenses in the United tates 6 00.

1 6 X _ For bonstruction of sea walls and embankments, $8,500.

palm. For contingent expenses incident to the construction of seacoast fortifications and their accessories, under the Engineer Department, com Ai-eumy. $25’000' UNDER THE omnr or coasr ARTILLERY. c¤gi°$t;i§iig'£»,;iif For construction of fire—control stations and accessories, including purchase of lands and rights of way, purchase and installation 0 necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, wirin and all special instrument? appgragus, and materials, coastisiggifappargtm, subaqueousi soun_ an as ranging appara us mcu t ir I ment, an Range mmm salaries of electrical experts engineers, and o%hercnec:sls;1?;em loyees ‘ connected with the use of, coast artillery; purchase, manufacture, and test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortiiications, and the machine necess for their manufacture YY 8-T.Y war_mSmmm5¤p_ at the arsenals, $175,000. _ o pile. C For gigliptenance of gloast Artillery wai-instruction maténel at cast r thery posts, mc udmg' necessary material and labor therefor, Accessories for sub- $1.200. _ ”’“"“°""“”" ¥"°°““°· For plurchase, manufacture, and_test of submarineqnine materiel, and other accessories for submarine-mine practice, including the Submmb m , n , machinery necessary for their manufacture, $9,000. ¤¤m>¤¤¤S- For maintenance of submarine-mine materiel within the limits of mg;. Totten, N, Y, coréopenfal Urepstgd Sitgtes; purchlase ot} ngeessai-y machinery, tgpls, · animpemen or erepairsootet dd tat ort Totten, New York, and for torpedo ldepot a trsi.)tioi£;50,000.