Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1382

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1362 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Crrs. 149-151. 1921. C'°*'*· reside in the district to which he is appointed. There shall be appointed a clerk of said court, who shal keep his office at the capital T°"”S‘ of said State. The regular terms of said court shall be held on the Jlmdictiom em iirst Monday in March and the first Monday in September of each year. The district court for said district and the judges thereof shall possess the same powers and jurisdiction and perform the same duties required to be performed by the other district court and judges of the United States, and shall be governed by the same laws and regulations. The marshal, district attorney, and the clerks of the district court of said district, and all other officers and persons performing duties in the administration of justice therein, shall severally possess the powers and perform the duties lawfully possessed and required to be performed by similar officers in other districts of the United States, and shall, for the services they may perform, receive the fees and compensation now allowed by law to officers pgrforming similar services for the United States in the Territory of ew M8XlC0.,, Approved, March 4, 1921.

 CHAP. 150.—An Act To exchange the present Federal building and site at Gas-

--l?‘;b““· N°· md touia, North Carolina, for a new site and building. osmms, N. c. _ Be it evuzcted by the Senate and House of Re esmtatives of the United ,,,§,¥§,P;“g§,°‘,§‘§§01;€ States of America in Congress assembled, Tiiat the Secretary of the im. ¤¤r Mw Sm. ¤¢<=· Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to exchange and convey to the Citizens National Bank of Gastonia, North Carolina, by the usual qmtclaim deed, the present Federal building and site at Gastonia, North Carolina, for the site at the northwest corner of South Street and West Franklin Street, in said city, offered by said P“Y"‘°“"°" bank, and in addition to said land said bank shall pay to the Secretary of the Treasury $175,000 to cover the cost of the erection of a stone-faced public uilding thereon adequate and suitable for the Use o, mwmmM_ needs of the United States in such city. The present Federal buildlug duriing construe- ing and site to remain in the custody and control of the United States mg" until the completion of the proposed new building. bu§§§{§f‘°°°° °‘°°” That upon the said new site, when ac uired as aforesaid, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is (hereby, authorized and directed to_ cause to be constructed a suitable and commodious buildingil with fireproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, _ _ approac es, and so forth, for the accommodation of the post office

·{¤¤*° °*°°¤°· i d and other governmental offices in said city, at a limit of cost, exclu-

,m§§§§ '°°° " sive of the site, of not exceeding $175,000. Said amount be' hereby authorized and made available from the moneys to be pauig to the Secretary of the Treasury by said Citizens National Bank of Gastonia, North Carolina, as hereinbefore mentioned. Approved, March 4, 1921.

 GEL?. 151.-An Act To amend the first ¥ng¤ 1; of ggctiou 20 of the Act of

[Public, N¤· 379-1 Congress approved July 17, 1916, known asthe eduul) Farm Loan Act, as amended by the Act of Congress approved Apnl 20, 1920. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives o the United A§?°°"° Fm L°°“ States of America in Congress assembZeJ{Thiii the first piragraph of u}_°*·3°·¤·3°7·°m°¤°· section 20 of the Act of Congress Ligproved July 17, 1916, as amended by the Act of Congress approv April 20, 1920, be amended to read as follows: _

  • ‘¤¤*···¤*·····*;c ~s¤e. 2q. me bonds provided for in rms Act shall be issued in

,,.;’,;,;,•·¤.*,;%*¤·¤°¤=· ·· ampmmaum or s40 smc, ssrn, si,0oo, me such larger denomi- _,m_p_m,m_d_ nations as the Federal Farm Loan Board may authorize; they shall •¢- rmx for specified minimum and maximum periods, subject to pay-