Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1399

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SIXTY-SIXTH ooxeicnss. sm. III. 01;.161. 1921. 1379 exceeding $8 per day, and temporary clerks, stenographers, or typists in the District of Columbia, to be paid at a rate not exceeding $100 per month, $10,000; in all, $124,940. Cozvrrxonar nxrmrsnsz For furniture and other e uipment and °°°“¤¤°¤*°‘P°¤S°s· repairs thereto; law books, books of reference, periodiczils, stationery, and supplies, traveling expenses; printing and binding to be done at the Government Prmting Office; medical examinations, traveling t_M<¤1i<;¤1 ¤¤¤=¤¤¤¤— and other expenses, and loss of wages pa able to employees under "i?€i.°z<i,'p.14v. sections 21 and 22 of the Act of September 7, 1916, and for miscellaneous items; in all, $20,000. _ EMPLOYEES, COMPENSATION rum): For the payment of com ensa- f§‘{}{,‘,’§§‘},’g°°§‘};},fQ,’f‘d· tion provided by "An Act to provide compensation for employees V¤*·39»1>1>·743»74~5· of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other pur oses," a proved September 7, 1916, including medical, surgical, ang hospital) services, and su plies provided b section 9, and the transportation and burial) expenses provided? by sections 9 and 11, $1,800,000, to remain available until expended. FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. ,QQ°§",§}‘§§f" E°“°°” Vocational rehabilitation: For an additional amount for carrying digllgigiglltautdldldieridf out the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to provide for the °t(§01_40'pp_617,1179_ vocational rehabilitation and return to civil employment of disabled AM. 1>·1¤9· persons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United tates, and for other purposes," approved June 27, 1918 as amended, includiigg personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, uneral and other incidental expenses (including transporta- M di I t t tion of remains) of deceased trainees of the board, necessary medical meimglea g§°;{”°” service and treatment to trainees hereafter required in cases where such service or treatment is not provided by the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, and not more than $60,000 may be used for such service and treatment heretofore furnished; prmtiug and binding to be done at the Government Printing Office; law books, books of reference, and periodicals; $65,000,000, of which sum not exceedinv $500,000 may be used b the Federal Board for Vocational F d I ad M Education as a revolving fimdy for the (purpose of making advance- milling; m ments to persons commencing or un eiigoing training under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, such a vancements to bear no interest and to be reimbursed in such installments as mag be determined by the Federal Board bv proper deductions from the monthly maintenance and supfrt allowance, allowed by said Act as amended, together wit the unexpended balances of the appropriations for this purpose for the fiscal years 1920 and 1921, of which sums not exceeding $5,000 may be expended for rent of uarters in the District of Columbia if space is not provided by the _ Public Buildings Commission: Provided, That the salary limitations §g,";·’6'g’,;,m°u_ placed uglon the appropriation for vocational rehabilitation by_ the A»¢¢,v-¤59- undry `vil Agprogriation Act approved July 19, 1919, modified as provided by e undry Civil Appropriation Act approved Jima w§§§n°“§§,;g§§8“§i§ 5, 1920, shall apply to the appropriation herein m ez Progmjed uma. further, That no person who has been declared eligible for traimng under the provisions of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, for whom training has been prescribed, and who has been notified by the board to begin training shall be eligible to the benefits of said Act in the event of his failure to commence training within a reasonable Time mmm ,0, time after notice has been sent such person by the board; Provided ph¤v¤i¤¤¤i¤<==>¤¤<=i¢y· furtfwr, That exc;-pt when such failure is due, m the opinion of the board, to ph sic incapacity, such time shall not be longer than twelve montgs after the passage of this Act for persons already