Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1419

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SIXTY-SIXTH coxcnrss. sm. III. Ch. 161. 1921. 1399 in expending approplriation preference shall be given, first, in favor of surveying towns ips occupied in whole or in part by actual settlers and of lands ranted to the States by the Act approved V _ , February 22, 1889, am? the Acts approved July 3 and Jul 10, 1890, y*giZ22é°§l1°§iii5,2m. and to survey under such other Acts as provide for land7 grants to the several States and Territories, and such indemnity lands as the several States and Territories may be entitled to in lieu of lands granted them for educational and other purposes which may have een sold or included in some reservation or otherwise disposed of, except railroad land grants, and including the survey, a praisal, and sale of abandoned mi itary reservations transferred to the control of the Secretary of the Interior, and other surve s shall include lands adapted to agriculture and lands deemed adlirisable to survey on account of availability for irrigation or dry farming, lands subject to disposition under mineral land laws where survey thereof is not otherwise provided for, lines of reservations, and lands within boundaries of forest reservations, and including such retracements and re-marking of State boundaries as shall be found necessary in order to close the public land lines thereon. The surveys and resurveys provided for P8? <·‘$¤“"°Y°¤· in this appropriation to be made by such competent surveyors as the Secretary of the Interior may select, at such compensation, not exceeding $200 per month each, as he may prescribe, except in Alaska, where a compensation not exceeding $300 per month each may be _ allowed such surveyors, except that the Secretary of the Interior v§,'§P°"“°' °' su" may appoint not to exceed one supervisor of surveys, whose compensation shall not exceed $300dper month, and not to exceed ten surveyors who may be employe in a superviso capacity, whose compensation shall not exceed $250 per month eax, and per diem in §je{d,fg¤;¤*,{e*ge§i$°°¤°°· lieu of subsistence when allowed pursuant to section 13 of the Sundry ’ ` Civil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, and actual necessary erggenses for transportation, said per diem and traveling expenses to e owed to all surveyors employed hereunder and to such clerks who are competent surveyors who may be detailed to iield duty Mm, semen me hereunder: Provided further, That the sum of not exceeding 10 per ms. centum of the amount hereby appropriated may be expende by the Commissioner of the Genera Land Office, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for the purchase of metal or other equally durable monuments to be used for qpblic land survey corners where- Hem emeleeeee ee ever practicable: Provided further, hat not to exceed $10,000 of this {egg ¤¤<¤¤¤¤r¤1 Land appropriation may be expended for_salar1es of employees of the field ' surveying service temporarily detailed to the General Land Office: _ A Provided further, That not to exceed $50,000 of this aeppropriation ,,,,§’§,°§§ei{,e‘j‘{‘{f,,,§,‘f_§l‘§{’;’j ma be used for the survey, classification, and sale of the lands and timber of the so—cal1ed Oregon and California Railroad lands and the Coos Bay Wagon Road lands. tmrrnn srxrms erzoroorcar. srmvnr. G°°‘°g‘°" S“"°Y· Office of Director: Director, $6,000; chief clerk, $2,500; librarian, a5°m`°°' D"°°m' $2,000; hotographer, $2,000; assistant photographer, $900; clerksone of cliiss two, three of class one, one $1,000, two at $900 each; two messenger boys, at $480 each; in all, $22,160. _ _ _ _: Scientific assistants: Gcologists——two at $4,000 each; one $3,000, °‘“°““6” "S°5“`*“"‘ one $2,700; two paleontologists, at $2,000 each; chemist, $3,000; geographers———one $2,700, one $2,500; two topographers, at $2,000 eac ; in all, $29,900. _ _ General expenses: For every expenditure requisite for and incident G¤¤¤=`¤ *=¤?°¤$¢$· to the authorized work of the Geological S1u·vev, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Eeld, including not to exceed $10,000 for the purchase and exchange, and not to exceed