Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1447

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 161. 1921. 1427 by the Clerk of the House of Representatives: Provided, That the ‘{"""g,m0m appointment to the positions herein provided shall be made by the ppc ` Sergeants at Arms o the two Houses and the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, and shall be made solely on account of eiiiciency an special qualifications. Same kitchens and Senate, contingent expenses: For repairs, improvements, equip- restaurants. ment, and supplies for Senate kitchens and restaurants, Capitol Building and nate Office Building, including personal and other services, to be expended from the contingent fund of the Senate, under the supervision of the Committee on Rules, United States Senate, $35,000. _ For the Capitol: For continuing the work of restoring the decora- ,,f;,$,‘§,lQ’"§‘,§u§'§u QQ tion on the walls of the first-floor corridors in the Senate wing of the <¤>¤’id¤¤¤- Capitol, to be expended under the direction of the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, $5,000. For she ving and file boxes for the Senate document room, includ- ,,,§§,’{“‘° D°°“““’“’ ing personal services and expenses incident to the installation of S¤¤1vi¤¤»¢¤=- same, $4,000, to be expended under the direction and supervision of the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds. _ Senate Office Building: For maintenance, miscellaneous items and m§f’”“t° OHM B“‘1d‘ supplies and for all necessary personal and other services for the Maintenance. care and operation of the Senate Office Building, under the direction and supervision of the Senate Committee on Rules, $50,000. For urniture for the Senate Office Building and for labor and mate- F‘"'"t‘“°'°°°‘ rial incident thereto and repairs thereof, window shades, awnings, carpets, glass for windows and bookcases, desk lamps, window ventilators, name plates for doors and committee tables, electric fans, and so forth $5,000. House Office Building: For maintenance, including miscellaneous mgam °m°° B“u°‘ items, and for all necessary services, $76,000. *¤*°¤¤¤°°· Capitol ower plant: For lightinilthe Czgitol, Senate and House §°§}§,°§‘,l,}§,°Q,°§,$T pl“'"‘ Office Builgings, and Con essional `brary uilding and the grounds about the same, Coast angx-Geodetic Surveg, the Umon Station group of templorary housing, Botanic Garden, enate stables and engine house, ouse stables,llVIaltby Building, and folding and storage rooms of the Senate; pa of superintendent of meters, at the rate of $1,600 per annum, who shall inspect all gas and electric meters of the Govemment in the District of Columbia without additional compensation; for necessary personal and other services; and for materials and labor in connection with the maintenance and operation of the heating, lighting, and power plant and substations connected therewitli, $111,000. _, For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertising for the power plant O°°°°°l°g °°°°H°° which furnishes heat and light for the Calpitol and congressional buildings and other buildin specified in the foregoing paragraph, $200,000. This and the tgee foregoing a gpprrations shall be P‘“°”“‘°°’°°°‘ expended by the Superintendent of the Capitol) ding and Grormds under the su ervision and direction of the commission in control of WL 3,,,, ,3.,5, the House O&ce Building, appointed under the Act approved March v¤,p. sai. 4, 1907, and without reference to section 4 of the Act approved June 17, 1910, concerning purchases for executive departments. _ Reimbursement M The Department of the Interior, the Coast and Geodetrc Survey, ¤¤¤¢¤¤ ¤¤v¤¤¢·¤· and the Union Station group of temporary housing shall reimburse the Capitol power plant for current supplied during the fiscal year 1922 and the amounts so reimbursed shall be credited to the appropgiations for the said plant and be available for the purposes named t erein.