Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1456

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1436 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 162, 163. 1921. or lessees of the sole right to enter upon, occupy, and use any part or all of such land reasonably necessary for the accornphshment of all ur oses connected with the develo ment, eneratron, transmission, P f f h dro l t P n g oru arono y eecric oweroree . _ ,°§g’_’§,‘}S,ff$f°S·°*°·# Sec. 7. That the Secretary ol) the Interiorrgyherebi authorrzed and dir·ected to certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the amounts paid as fees, commissions, and pruchase moneys by the persons heremafter named, in connection with homestead entries at the United States land office at Glasgow, Montana, in the year 1917, as follows: Nick Sim- Serial number naught fortiy-fo1u· thousand four hundred and twenty-seven, N rck Srtch, west alf southeast quarter,_section twenty- seven, and west half of northeast quarter, section thirty-four, town- BME E shrgi twenty-nine north, range forty-one east. · °“"“’“· erral number naught forty-four thousand five hundred and twenty- one, Billie H. Evas anks, south half southeast quarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter, section thirgvgfour, township twenty-nine north, range forty-one east, and west h _ east half, northeast quarter sorzthwest qutarter, section one, township twenty-eight north, range or -0ne eas . _IQ’;,{,‘j‘,‘§{‘§:m_ That upon_receipt of the certificate from the Secretary} of the Interilror as provladed $S€C(lil(&1;lr1 of (tihrs Act the Secretary; oi the Treasury is ere authorrz an ecte to e payment o the amounts so certriig out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated, and issue his warrant in settlement thereof. Approved, March 4, 1921. D

 CHAP. 168q—An Act To amend an_Act entitled “An Act to provide for the ssttle-

(Pu . o- 391- ment of the claims of officers and men of the Army for- the loss of private row destroyed m the military service of the United States}! approved March g, 1 , as amended by the Act of uly 9, 1918, and for other purposes. 0 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United m ds1?:g)cp:fty E States of Aqnerica in Congress assembledf That the Act entitled "A.l1 ,,d_ "‘ ·"“"'“ Act to provide for the settlement of the claims of officers and enlisted men_of the Army_for loss of private prgiperty destroyed in the military service of the United States approv March 3, 1885, as amended by

 9, l9$8d(;Fol'i·103l1 Stkatillies, page 880), l)6, and i»ll6

cum mowed °m_ “ , amen e_ o rea as o ows: _ ce¤,m.,rm· specified Smcrrow 1. That rivate property belon to officers enlisted },’§‘§'°*°,;{’,',$"’°§°,,{'.,{°“§j men, and members of &e Nurse Corps (femalei oi the Arm including mi all prescgbelcll articles of tlequipment ang clothing whilcfh they ar? req_ y worregula ontoownan useinte eormancev their duties, and horses and egrpment required b levi, or regulations to be provided by mormted officers, which since tlie 5th day of April, $$1, as blevsin or shallblgereafter be lost, damaged, or destroyed in the arydse cis; replaced, or the damage thereto, or its value mmhmmuu ml recoupe to e owner as hereinafter rovr ed, when such loss, awww. ’ damage, or destruction has occurred or slii·r.l.I hereafter occur without £\t;I;a;·ts]1.I¢§g;rSgence on the part of the owner in any of the following w.·?£},°,¥’°£r “$.i‘2} “First. When such dprivate propesttg so lost, damaged, or- destrglyed ‘ was slnpped on_ l>08.l‘ 8.11 \H1868W0_ y vessel by order of an 0 C0! Hmm wusmng authorized t<;Vive such order 0I' direct such shipment. meeepanue proprty, “Sec0nd. en 1l`:e§pPB8·I`S that such private property was so lost, “°‘ damaged, or destroy_ rn consequence of its owner having given his sgtentron to the saving of human life or property belonging to _n1ted States which was in danger at the same time and under sumlar csrcurnstances, or while, at the time of such loss, damage, or destr¤§¤· mon, the claimant was engaged m authorized military duties in connectron..therewith. · . V -