Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1467

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Gus. 174—-176. 1921. 1447 payment of the purchase rice is made in accordance with the provisions hereof: And provided iurtlier, That any entryman who has C°’¤”*“*·°“°¤°11°”°d· resided upon and cultivated the land embraced in his entry for the period of time required byl law in order to make commutation proof, may make proof, and if the same is a proved, further residence and F H. cultivation will not be required: And)pr0m2Zed further, That failure onrihdxxihigrgiiiryz to make any payment that may be due, unless the same be extended, “‘°“°S‘ or to make any extended payment at or before the time to which such payment has been extended, as herein provided, shall forfeit the entry and the same shall be canceled and any and all payments theretofore made shall be forfeited. E msi Bu _ Sec. That the Secretary of the Interior is also hereby authorized, for {ands iiiscnsyiiiiii in his discretion, to extend for a period of one year, the time for the §‘§§’k "{{’,s§f,§'§{§‘,§‘§ payment of any annual installment hereafter to become due of the S<>{;1{¤3g>¤8·m i gurchase girrce of lands in the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation in ° 'p' ' outh Da ota and the Standing1Rock Indian Reservation in the States of North Dakota and Sout Dakota, sold at public sale under the Act of Congress approved May 29, 1908 (Thirty-fifth Statutes, page 460), under the same terms and on the same conditions as provided in section 1 of this Act. Approved, March 4, 1921. March 4, 1921. CHAP. 175.—Ioi.nt Resolution Providing for the bringin to the United States of the bodyrof an unknown American, who was a member of the American Expedi- lP“b·R°°·»N°·67-l tionary orces, who served in Europe and lost his life during the World War, and for the burial of the remains with appropriate ceremonies. Resolved by the Senate and Hmlszgf Representatives of the United States of Am.erica in Congress assemb , That the Secretary of War be, ,,,Hu"§‘,?’°“ ‘*m°""“‘ and he is hereby, authorized and directed, rmder regulations to be di;*d¤<¤h{v,%_;¤¤;,“w1;: prescribed by him, to cause to be brought to the United States the beburiedinArlinétop ody of an American, who was a mem er of the American Expedi- §‘;',§‘,j,,“f" *““I’*“‘ tion Forces who served in Europe, who lost his life during the WorEl1dyWar and whose identity has not been established, for burial in tvhe Memorial Amphitheater of the National Cemetery at Arlington, 11118.. uS§1ch sum as may be necessary to carry out the revisions of the E‘P°““ ‘““‘°““’“· jttiinnt resolution is hereby authorized to be expended by the Secretary 0 ar. Approved, March 4, 1921. uma 4. mr. CHAP. 176.——J'oint Resolution Giving consent of the Congrem of the United States is- ·¥— R5- 253-l to the States of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Pub-?-°$·»N°-68-l Nebraska, or any two or more of said States to agree upon the to be exercised by said States over boundary waters between any two or more of sand States. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of tbe United States of American in Ormgress assembled, That the consent of the Con- ,]?j:s!;_§=;¤t°“*¤¤- I ggess is hereby given to the States of North Dakota, South Dakota gggggcgéver, by ilmesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska. or anty two or_more of ”‘ them, by such agreement or comgact as they may oem desirable or necessary, or as ma be evidence by llgislatrye acts enacted by any two or more of said States, not in co `ct with the Constitution of the United States or any law thereof, to determine and settle the jurisdiction to be exercised bfy said States, respectively, over offenses arising out of the violation 0 the laws of any of said States upon any of the waters forming the boundarillines between any two or more of said States, or waters through w `ch such bormdary hne extends, and that the consent of the Congress be, and the same is hereby, given