Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1472

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1V INDEX. Aircraft, Page- Alaska-—Continued. Pagedeficiency appropriation for fitting build- appropriation for quarantine system. 175, 884, 1377 ing in Smithsonian Grounds for ex- {gr investigating mineral resources oi. 197, 1400 hibition of, and accessories, pro- for mineinspector, clerk, etc. 199, 912, 1401 duced by the Government during for Engineering Commission 202, 916, 1405 the war ... 328 for care of insane ..._... 203, 916, 1405 joint report on, under their jurisdictions to Sanitarium Company, Portland, Oreg. 916, be made bv Secretaries of War and 1405 Navy and Postmaster General- . 134 for education of natives under Commisdetails specified 134 sioner of Education . . ,. 203, 916, 1405 Aircraft Factory, Naval, for medical relief of natives; hospitals, appropriation for maintenance .. 133, 814 etc 203, 917, 1406 Aircraft, Navy (see Aviation, Navy). admission of pay patients .. 203, 917, 1406 Airmzft, Postal Serv·icz, for reindeer stations, etc 203, 917, 1406 appropriation for purchase of aeroplnnes for for protection of game . . 203, 917, 1406 service between New York and San for suppressing liquor traffic amo n g Francisco, via Chicago and Omaha. 579 natives . 203, 917,1406 for expenses of operation and mainte— for marshal, office expenses . 209, 923, 1412 nance . . 579, 1153 for district attorney, office expenses . 209, for foreign mails. .. - 581, 1153 923, 1412 contracts for mail transportation by, for expense of judges outside of official authorized .. 579, 1152 residence .. 210, 924, 1413 cost not to exceed rail transportation. 579, 1152 for meals, etc., of jurors . 210, 924, 1413 payable from appropriation for, by rail- for miscellaneous court expenses- 210, 924, 1413 road routes , 579, 1152 for establishing new aids to navigation, Aircraft Stations, Navy (sec also Aviation, etc Z .. 213 Navy), for fzsheries service , ... ._ . _219, 933, 1420 appropriation for maintenance - . 133,814 for food, etc., to natives, P1'1b1l0f Isnumbor in United States limited to six- 133, 814 lands .. . . 1 . . 220, 934, 1423 Aircraft Tmdzn, - A for Weather Service expenses in- 236, 696, 1316 appropriation for converting two merchant for agricultural experiment stations vessels inf;) _,___,, _ __,___ ‘ ____ , __,_ 133 in ...,,.,.,,,,, . 261, 720, 1339 Airplane Bombs, Army, cumulative leaves of absence to emaptpropriation for mnnufactzue- ... 971 ployees .. _ .. Z . . -: ... 202 or sighting devices, etc., for .- . 971 for star route mail service 111; emergen- Airplanes, , · . cies 579,1152 gale of unsuitable, im the postal service, for mail equipments for .. 582, 1155 authorized, .. , ...,. 1031 for surveyor general, clerks, etc . 673, 1292 Airplanes, Army, _ for experiments, etc., for inc1‘ of appropriation for experimental work, etc. . 953 reindeer industry in ... : 7_16, 1330 or purchase of new. - . 953 for protection of land Eur bearing 8111- Ak Chin Irrigation Project, Ariz., male in 716, 1336 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of, for marking boundary line between Maricopa Resenntion . 3, 408, 1226 Canada and . . ... 743, 1210 Alabama, for relief of shipwrecked American seaappropriation _ for emergency expenses, men in. ... _749, 1216 preventing spread of ll exicen been deficiency appropriation for relief of shipbeetle in, etc ... . ... 1346 wrecked American seamen in . 43. 1092 Alabama Azenue SE., D. Q., for Engineering Commission . 51, 335, 1172 appropriation for pnvirig, Pennsylvania for education of natives 66, 1030, 1042, 1186 Avenue to Ridge oad ._ ... 846 for agricultural experiment station in. - . 67 Bowen Road to Distnct Line . 846 for inspecting mines ... 348 Alabama Indians, Polk Coqnm, Ter., for investigating mineral resources .. 512 n for education of ,.. . 1244 for protecting seal fisheries, etc, 1034,104%,1178 Alagamu River, for miscellaneous court expenses 1033,1178,1]S8 bridge authorized am-ogg, Hem- Mo¤tg0mct}’, for medical, relief ,,.. . ,,,,.. 1042, 1186 Ala. .. . 1090 for marking boundary line between Aiabama State Centennial, _ Canada and ... 1 .. 1187 i coinage of 50-cent silver pieces authorized birch timber may be exported from . - 917 in commemoration of. .. 595 bond issue authorized by Ketchikan, for number, legal tender quality, etc ... 595 schoolhouse, etc ..,_,, , ,,... . Z - 402 no Government expense for dies, etc 595 by Petersburg, authorized for pnbhc Alaaka, _ _ improvements; conditions, etc . . 289 appropriation for salaries, etc. , government increase authorined. etc ..., - ·-··---- 981 in: . . .: .., - Q 674, 1293 by Wmngeu, for public improvements. . 435 for legusiative exggnses. ..; .. . .. 674 clerks of district courts, excepted from for native pup brought to Indian requirement for deposit of fees . 1099 smgliools . . . 6, 411, 1228 eighty rods shore space reservation not npfor cable and M? h- 108, 952 plicable to national forest lands in, tor military, etc. , roads, 'gges, and opened to homestead entry., . . . . 1059 ig m . . _ . . -‘. ; H;1 - . 124, 970 other reetrigions waived _,,.,, - ,,.. 1059 e mmmg, , em, in, improving ai to mvigndon in, author-

 inrnneotthe vy  1.  ----·14B,826 ized , , ,_,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,.,. 1058
  1. ‘—.~% talecuon ofareu. ... TJ . ;..- . 826 Point Retreat and Cape Hindxinbrwk

in building, and wharf, Sitka. . 167, 875, mcs Light meson ..,,.,_,,_ _ ,.__,,,. 1058