Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1479

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INDEX. X1 AITRGMCNQ 0j;FOTt1;}iCdt12)Wl8, Page- Army-Continued. Passappropriation for ._ . 609, 1349 appropriation for Air Service; traveling ba ences covered in, of appropriations for. 613 expense on air duty without troops . 109 for Panama Canal . 613 instruction for aviation students .. 109 Armor and .4_rn1.amenl, flying cadets authorized; pay, comapprolpriation for, increase of the Navy. 156, 833 mission in Officers’ Reserve Corps.- 109 Amore Motor Cars, Army, control of Army and Navy bases, etc . . 954 appropriation for purchase, etc ... . 126 for establishing buildings at stations, etc . 954 b ances of appropriations for, 1919 and Bolling Field, D. G., set aside as 1920, covered in 1353 aviation reservation ,____,_, 954 unexpended balances available to pay con- for purchase , etc., Selfridge Field, Mich., tracts lor, suspended on account of as aviation station. 954 _ armisuce ... z .. 1027 for Provost Marshal Generals Office, Armoms (see Arsenals and Armonee). preserving, etc., records 109 A1-ma, etc., Army, _ arrangement, etc., in Adjutant Genappropriation for manufacturmg, etc., at or ’s Omoo .,,,.,,_,.,..,,_________ 110 _ armories . _. . . 125, 971 statement of service of persons from articles of, used or produced for service to the States, to the Adjutants General be exhibited in National Museum . . 1438 thereof- ,..,.,.,,. - ,...,.,_,,__,__, 110 balances covered in, of appropriations for for pay of line officers 110, 954 manufacture, etc., 1917-1919 ... 1353 for gay of staff oEcers, etc ...,,,,__,, 110, 954 fo!'1918-1919 .. - 1353 for stional Guard officers . . . 110, 954 for 1919-1920 . . ..,.. 1353 for 0Hicers’ Reserve Corps . ...,,. 110, 954 unexpended balances available to pay for warrant officers, Mine Planter Servcontracts for manufacture of, sus- ice ..,., 110,9.54 pended on account of armistice 1027 for officers, Bureau of Insular Adairs. . 110, 954 Army, _ _ for aviation increase . 110, 954 appropriation for support of the .. 104, 948 for officers, Philippine Scouts ,.. 110 or all contingencies ... . 104 for longevity ... . ,.,.. 110, 954 allowances, etc., for sale of Army for payoi enlisted men of the line . 110, 954 supplies 105 on personal aliidavits if service records surp us supplies, motor vehicles, etc., lost, etc 110 may besold ... . .,. 105 credits to disbursing officers for pay- for all contingencies, under Secretary oi ments- . .· . 110 War .. 948 for enlisted men, National Guard 110, 954 salaries, etc., sale of Army supplies; for enlisted men, stafcorps and departadfustiug war contracts . ... 949 ments . . 110, 954 surp us supplies may be sold to States, for Regular Army Reserve . . . . . 110 or irien ly foreign Governments 949 for enlisted men, Philippine Scouts 954 for Army War College ... . .. 105 for longevity . 110, 954 for General Staff College 949 emergency increase of psy continued. . 110 for contingencies, Military Intelligence for retired pay, officers ... 110, 954 Division 105, 949 for retired officers on active duty . 110, 954 for expenses, military observers abroad 106, 949 for retired enlisted men .. 111, 955 for military service schools .. 106, 950 iorretired enlisted men on active duty. 111, 955 for Field Artillery activities 950 for Regular Army reservists on active for contingencies, headquarters at de- duty . . 111 ponmonm, etc ... 106, 950 forretrred Philippine Scout officers 111,955 for preserving, etc., registration records for retired pay clerks. ... .. . . 111. 955 and furmshing statements of service for retired veterinarians. . ._ 111, 955 to State Adjutants General . 951 for clerks, etc., office of Chief of Staff. . 111, 955 for Coast Artillery School. ... 106, 951 for clerks, etc., Geneml Staff College 955 purchase, etc., of typewriters . 107 for clerks, etc., at headquarters.: .. 111, 955 for Signal Service expenses; telegraph for additional pay foreign service 111, 955 and telephone systems. . . 107, 952 for commutation oi quarters, etc .. lll, 955 electric plants at posts . 107, 952 Army field clerks, allowances etc 111 civilian employees, suppliu, etc. . . 107. 952 additional emergency field, clerks experiments in .. 108, 952 all0wed.._ .. · -···· · .-.·. D2 buildings for supp ies, etc .. 108, 952 for commutation of quarters, etc., field for telephone service, Coast Artillery clerks; assignment, duties, etc; . . . 112 Weis ,,,.. . ,.,,,,. 108 for commutation of quarters, etc., held for sshington-Alaska cable, etc 108, 952 clerks, Quartermaster Corps 955 for Air Service; dying, balloon, etc., assignment; Department duty forschools, aviation stations, etc . 108, 953 bidder: - -.·--...-. 955 helium production ,,,,,,._,___ _ ______, 953 for contract surgeons, nurses, etc .,,,, 112, 956 purchase, manufacture, etc., of air- for reserve veterinarians ... - .. 112, 956 win, equipment, etc 108, 953 for courts m¤r¤a1, etc-. expenses --.--. 112. 956 consulting engineers, etc ..,. . . 109, 953 for officer in charge, public buildmgs and Stations in the Philippines ... 109 grounds, D- C ..,... 112 Special apparatus, etc., for medical for commutation of quarters, officers, research ___,,,, , .,.,.,,____ , _ , 953 etc ,,_,,_. . ,_,_ _ _ _ ,_ ,,_______ 112, 956 printing, supplies, etc . ,_. , , , 953 for interest on soldiers? deposits _,_,_,,. 112, 956 ogpgdmimtal work with airplninesezc. 953 for expert accountant 112, 956 new aircraft, etc .. . ..,,., 953 for extra duty pay, enlisted men seacoast paying damages from aircraft .. 109, 953 fonilications service ... 112