Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1490

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mi INDEX. Bellcfourche, S. Dak., _ _ Page. Big Pim Resqrvqtioqt, _ Page. appmpriatiou for public bmlding . . . - 164 appropnauon for 1rr1gation_ pr0]ect OI1 3 Belleville, Ill., Big Rock Stone and Consyructwn Qampany, expenditure authorized for right of way, sale authorized ofp0rtion of mxhtary reser- Scott Aviation Field ... 455 vation FortL0ga11 H. Roots, Ark., t0. 625 .· revocablc lease of other lands to .. 626 Bellmghum Wash., acqui,-ing; site fm- bulb and new plant BQ; Stone Lake Drainalge and Flood Czmtrol · · _, h _ District, Y'. Da ·. _ _ §§§??‘f‘?E‘T.‘?*?‘T??‘?i$‘?..T‘Ti?}‘. 730 may dam Minéem kwer at mg sm- 551 . . Lake . . Belmt, Wu., · · my gidgeewk Rm at Em Gmd 391 B*3;3§?”it€ike;£Z§?i7;‘d“££km,mmm . 'venu '''`'``'``‘’‘ , River at ... . . . 551 Shuhmd Avenue ‘' ‘'‘‘'`'‘’ 1305 Bwyhom Natimuzl Forest, Wyo., B€Z¢0‘¤·_M°"·¢·» _ _ _ appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of 248, d€§C16II$$g’ ggglrolgpauoni for budge mmm} 335 707, 1326 t wer a. . B -11 . M Bmicia A'8¢'Ml» CGW-» _ _ _ Isaggggi mgxrgkscue station site at, authorappropriation for hosp1tal, etc., bmldmg. . 182 ized ____ _ ________________________ 912 Bmwq, Cmlawi P-._ _ _ _ Bills of Exchange, Fomgm, _ Bd¤fi<;§r;zc0>;;p};~g¤¤¤¤¤ f¤rr¤¤¤¤b¤¤¤¤z-- 1024 accepted,¤¤¥1¤c1uaei1{)¤11r;1t¤smd9bm- 297 €H.7l.‘I.‘ , . ,».,· I I ti ______ ;______ dciicumcy appmpruguon for vmduct and Bills of gig"? M Om an bpkdggvmmmadmh; reappw 39 vessels to havc,_fr0m American Bmw gmmty Nj 13,;,],: ‘‘`’`°‘‘'‘``°°’‘'`’ c<>¤¤u1,e¢c.,_¤n1¤¤vmgf¤r<;ig¤ ports, B appro%·12ti0u for care of insane Indians. . . 19 gig; fm United States 01. Its PDBSBB 1149 mm, Www, . ‘‘`°`‘`'‘‘'‘`````'````' additimgxl hgdmmm entry appumum. bf, 092 B gz?} Zfxéw to be <=¤¤¤¢¤=<* --—---·----- 1149 a ow . . 1 * '* » B mn, El Hgxm, 7 provisions or on shi ments by Bzlnlmggqwiguiwmh patent to 1435 3%%% V0 ’v<>¤¤<=>1¤ gw f<>1’€1S’¤ 497 I GTQKT 'LCZOT ., . · · ••·• · • · ···· ‘ ···· · · ( ·•·· detiéiency _ appropriation for contested Bimyhamton, N. K, elecigxon expenses . 519 terms of court at 395 Berlzelqy, Calf, _ _ Biologic Products, preliminary exammatxon, etc., of harbor, appropriation for regulating sale, etc., of. - 176, to be made . .. 1013 885, 1377 Berlin, _ _ _ _ _ deficiency appropriation for regulating sale, appmprgauon {pr acqmring premmes for etc ,__,________________ _ _____ _ ____ 508 _ d}pl0¤1Bt1C, 600, UBQS at .-- 1214 Biologakul Survey Bureau, Department of Agrihmxt of cost; subycct. to approval of culture, commission ...-...··-·.»... 1214 ap mpriation for salaries . 257, 715,1335 Bermuda, Ear e eral ex uses .. . . . 257 715, 133' appropriation £orWaa.ther Service expenses 1 for gxmginteuaulgz of game preserves, bard 0 i¤ -·-- · ··-------·--------- 236. 696, 316 eserves, etc .. . 257, 716, 1335 Berne, Swjtzqrlmmd, _ for Sqxiilys Hill National Park, N. Dak., appropriation for share nn expenses of Inter- game preserve ______________ 257, 716, 1335 mmonal Bureau at._ .. . . . 671, 1291 for investigating, etc., food habits of for expenses, interj¤at1oual Bureau of birds and mammals 257, 716, 1335 dei _ Telegraphm Uggxonkb. .. . 7·{7, 1212 for rearing, etc., fm- bearing animals 257, cmucy approprxa mu r utema ons. 716, 1335 _ Bureau ..·-·-. . -.. 1042 destroying ground squirrels _ ______,,_ 257 Bernea, _ _ _ _ dwtroyjing wolves, coyotes, etc. 257‘,716,1335 appmpr12.tion for execqting law Exing protecting stock by suppressing rabxes standards for containers for..- 266, 725, 1343 in wild animals ________ _ ____ 257, 716, 1335 BMV; Bmw. etc., D, C'-. _ _ for investigating migration, etc., of ani- _ B stiargarél ilapwmu for, wwbiwhed ·--·--· 1222 mais and plums . . . .. 258 716 1330 M v cr, J _ _ for eniorcim mi tory bird law,. 258;716;133" ¤PP1‘¤P¤·‘1§1<>¤ fo1' #111111181 €XP€1'1¤1€¤$ preveuti1`?g sluglgament oi illegally killed O B ¤¤g1¤¤2 ·---- - ·----· # ---—·-- 240, 700, 1319 birds and game . . ... 258, 716, 1335 ererages, 'erea , etc. f tc. f d dustry ' of low alcohglic stiwangth not ipcluded in or u1;?2?§,.?--,i T). . ,.,,, ’;?6 1336 pmximons of Wa; Probibuion Act- . 305 for enforcing laiw for protecting land fur ’ _ P€1'¤¤w8» QPC-» Fequujed -·---···-—·- 305 beanng ammals in Alaska _ _ ___, 716, 1336 111 Constxtuuonal prohxbmon. .. 308 powers mmfmed from Secretary of permits, qtc.,_ required . Z . _. 308 (jommeme __________ _ ______________ 716 B¤·myM6C£1n¢:g§¤¢¤w (we N¤¤¤¤¤1 Pr¤hibr pogers transferred to Secretary ¤i . " - vmmerce . 716 Bzg Ham Ri1=er, Mont., jurisdiction over fur seal islands not appmpriatiou {gr Qivgrsion dam on, for aff ted _ _________________________ 717 , Grgw Indm ¤¤g=¤ii¤¤ mmm -...·- 1237 poweerg of wardens, em . .. 717 B1!} Horn _} @@9, Monty _ _ _ _ forpdminjstntion expenses . 258, 717, 1336 ¤PP¤>P¤¤¤¤¤ _ i¤f ¤¤P¤{ ?1<m d96Cl€DCY appmpriation for ggueral ex- ¤Y¤*¤¤¤¤ U1 CYUW I¤d1·¤·¤ ¤¤¤¤- 196 pauses .. 64, 67, 6, 524, 1034, 1187