Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1501

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INDEX. xxxui Caribou National Forest, Idaho and Wyo., Page. Casa Lake, Minn., pm, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 248, preliminary examination, etc., to be made ‘ 707, 1326 of outlet, to secure connection with lands added to ...,,,, 1056 Mississippi Rive, __________________ 1012 Carlisle, Pa., Casualty Eospital, D. C., deficiency appropriation for Indian school 66, 345 *PP'°PY¤¤t1°¤f°F Cam of indigent P$ti€¤*·¤-66 95. cwmmd 1 ‘ ation Pro ed, 1v.M€z., . . . 8 J137 approprizgon for maintenance, etc., of 201, C°t°l°g°°;i0q7{a;g“mtVi° L“”“t'·‘”· I”“`""“' 914,1403 . . · . Cmw wm, D- C-. °*?3»i°{.’?;i¥i%'§ £‘§.f’£€£3‘£;"°“ °" " %3$’§‘2é·}i§*3 “·PP’°P“*m°“ f°' °xP°¤”°E ···-··--- 72· 841- 1112 Catalogue of Title Encnka (gon-Tini·O_;1ic; y €'¢¤’M!/, J<>•¢1>h P-, _ _ appropriation for publication oi. . . 2%),,942,1430 deiicwncy approprmuon for contested e1ec— Catlettslrurg, Ky., $1011 €XP€D988 .--. . 519 terms of court at ...,.,.,.. , ,.._.,,.,,_,_ 400 Carpenzqr Paul (3,, Cattle (see apo Animal Industry Bureau and deficiency appropriation for services .. 1035 *\mEn$]S)» _ _ Camm, appropriation for mspecucn and quaran-

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Carriers by Water, - · `` I '` ’ _ ’ m¤¤>¤¤¤di¤¢ ¤¤¤¤1>¤¤¢d bw. <>¤¤<zr +1¤=·¤ fm  ??f.-?i .?°T`if1??TZ z‘§$$te$»s ma Amencm vessel? to be f¤rf¤¤¤¤d - · - 999 for enforcing humane treatment of ex- , ¤>¤%¤s¤ <>v<=r ¢§<>?MR$w¤gi¤§ 1&¤¤¤·- 999 port 239 css ms app cation to u on `ver e y un- '· `'````'``` · '``'``` ’ ’ da: completion of Alaska , , for executing tW€Dty-Qlght hour lsw. ° -·-·--··-··---·----·-·-···—···- 999 for quarantine mmm . 239, sos, 1318 C<¤·nkra,ACg1r;1s;1é•(;v$ (ace also Transportation for suppresing contagious diseases .. 239é c , , 698,131 certificate to be issued to, for portion of for investigating tuberculosis of animals; sum due, if whole amount not de- control etc . . .. 2%,698,1318 termined .. 1145 for tubercuiin testing, etc., oi- . . 239, 698, 1318 payment directed . 1145 payment for destroyed, etc.; State, if deficit under Federal control .. 1145 etc., eoopemtion 239, 698, 1318 guaranty under 'fransportation Act._.. 1145 shipping for slaughter, cattle reacted estlmate of deferred deb1ts and cred1ts totests . . .. . 239,699 _ allowed in determining a.m0unts..- 1145 reshipment of reacted breeding and provmons relinquishing Federal control of feeding, to owner . 240, 099 railroad 457 quarantine stations, repairs, etc ... 1318 reimbursement for motive power, cam, etc., for eradicating southern cattle ticks: refurnished, by United States during strictions ... 240, 699, 1319 Federal control 359 for cooperative experiments in raising, in Carroll, Iowa, cane sugar and cotton districts . 268, appropriation for public building 164 7 28, 1345 Carroll, Jennie (uwdow), Cattle Tzhlca, Southern, appropriation for monthly yments to. . 113, 956 appropriation for ersdicatin , etc. . 240, 699, 1319 . P3 . $ Canon Czty, Nev., cooperative demonstration work .. 240 a.pFro}>ri:tion fgr mint at .. 045226, restriction on use of materials, etc. .669 or n ian sc 001 17, , , deficiency appropriation for mint at .. 522 demonstrations at fairs .. 240, 699, 1319 for Indian school . . 1042, 1171 Cavalry, Army, _ Carson Indian Hospital, Nev., officers and enlisted men composing .. 770 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 5, Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kam., 410, 1227 appropriation for instruction expenses . 950 Caracm National Forest, N. Mex., Cavanaugh, John H., _ appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 248, enlarged homestead by, validated 1091 107, 1326 Cavite, . I., exchange of lands for addition to, author- appropriation for fuel oil storage, naval stsized ... 1364 tion ... 822 timber conditions .. 1304 Cedar County Ngbr. _ _ _ Carter, Col. Jem McL, U. S. Cavalry, bridge antborxzed across Mnssoun River credit allowed in accounts of . 607 from Yankton County, S. Dsk., to. . 355 Carters Creek, Va., f be C¢diIT _NWtgdD.fC.i)etw Q _ d relmn¤ary' examinstio etc., 0 to cosing direc 0 , een umcy an P made .. 1011 Shteyherd Streets ... 1251 Caryville, Fla., Cedar, W. a., _ _ bridge authorized across Choctswhatchee budge authorired across Tug Fork of Big River near. ... 358 Sandy River at ... 1108 Cascade Locke, Oreg., _ Ce·me‘nt, etc., _ _ _ _ bridge authorized across Columbia Rxver appropnauon for mvestigating structural near __________ _ _,________ , ________ 401 _ mstepals of Q82, 1301 time extended for . . 1101 Cemctawl Du-mon, Quarzermaater General s cG·CGd¢ FOTESZ, (t;T¢g·, etc { 248 au c0mp_ _ ctc of _ ro" omainnance, .0 , oenor nling -,hrmgapp pl-anon { r 707, 1326 ing home remains from abroad, . 1278 44281°—21--95