Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1529

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INDEX. lxi Dezzartpwm of Labor—C<mtinued. Page. Deportation of Ahkns—-Continued. Page. eicxency gpprupriatiou for Housing Cor- convicted of violating Act rohibiting porg1t10u .. : ... 1179 manufacture, ctc., of expgosivcs 594 for mmonal iizcunty and defense 328 1192 A%;_rest1&igci11g travel hom and into the pauses uu er ...-·. , 't t t . 594 ioglegggcing wd labor gw. .. 1188, 1192 Aetugxgmsmzgs willful injury of war esta ent. 0 'omcn’s urcau in . 987 material t .. 594 appointment of director, salary . 987 Act providggcfor increase of the Army dunes gpgclfied; employee authorized, 987 by selective dr3,ff,_ ____,,___ _ ____,, 594 settleugent of irregular grintiug and bind- Act punishiu the making of threats mg under, authouzed ._ ... 341 against the %’residc·nt by mail, ctc- - 594 unexpendcd balances, provxding housing Act punishing, etc., trading with the fg; war negdg, covered in _,_________ 55 enemy ___________ _ , _,,, , ,,_,_,_,,. 594 Departmergt ojState, seditious conspiracy .. 594 approprmtxon {pr Secretary, Under Secre- convicted for offenses between August 1, ¤ tgry, Assmtmxts 2 642,1263 1914, and April 6, 1914, of organizing for DIIOCCOI of the Consular Service. . 642, 1263 expeditions against friendly powers, for officers on draftillrlggvrgrléi ...,..,. b642, 1263 abc ,,,,.,,..,_...,,,,,,..., , ,, 594 assignments as c `e 0 `visions, u- antitmxst violations in aid of European reaus, etc ,...,. 1263 b lli e ts ... 594 fo1‘ 8BSiSt3Df· 80}iCit01¤ .·.·...---.. 642, 1263 order if gglcgrgtary hereunder final .. 594 for chief clerk, law clerks, clerks, ctc. 642, 1263 expelled persons excluded from readmis- §or cluefs of burcausioclerks, etc ... 642 sion _______________,____,______,,,, 594 °’ t'?mP°m'Y °mP Yws? Pay ’”mc' Depreciation Charges, Cm·nIers

  • 10}*-; ----·--········----····-~· 642»1263 clames of property to be préscribed for, in

1'GS¤'1(]t_10n OI} p8.Y[I1€I1t {OI 8€l'80113l accounts ctc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ servicesiu Washington, D. 642,1263 D A A k ’ ` "` " " for ¤;¤¤v¤<= hmmm, NW `mk M Sm M2 iimfga aitxomu mo. www River at 436 mncmco .. _ ‘ ‘ for contingent expenses, stationery, DM Mvwwy, Iowa, _ _ _ furniture, ctc ___________________ 643, 1263 appropriation for public buxlding 164 for books, pericdicais, etc., f¤r the Deschutes Imyatizm Project, 01-rg., Hbram ---·---·-·--·-..-.·..·.. 643, 1263 appropriation for construction, etc 1403 for mince eous expenses .. 643, 1§63 Dwdlum National Forest, 0"gq for ren?. ···························· 643¤ 1 63 appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of 249, for Solicitor for . 676, 1296 707 1327 for duti == of War Trade Board transferred Dum Land Enmu Public Land? ' for i§ééé£iZ;§H6;1§;{.§i1Hé{ E.{¤§&Li'$i,' :b;63’ 278 r<¤tHc;e&;;tr§§i<l1Ie£a§§uem ci me sum, 1086 apartment. 0 ustice .. ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘···· for printing and binding for . _228, 941, 1429 Desert Lands, _ _ _ for Diiplomatic and commu Servme. {gg prefmncepshtofgitlwhmzetg ¤¤1d1:r¤,•€:% for pruning in the .. , ¤°¤"’mK m WW €¤ for expenses under passporjz control Aqts. 750 °¤ °P°¤°d ··-····--·--·-······--·· 434 for restricting eng oi shexug, etc., 1111- Dqurura, Army or Navy, mediatcly av able; limgt for 1920. 385 status of, not aifecmed by resolution de~ deficiency appropriation for add1t.10nal em- claring date of termination of war ployees; pay limitation . _. 42, 329, 1042 with crxuany, ctc 1360 for Diplomatic and C0ns1§1;nrS<év1§§ 6%)%, Duticute Women gmd Lhildrm, D. Criand ed 66. 329, 6, 3 , , · ..5. , ‘ , approprimion or payments to xx on ., 1039, 1042, 1045, 1160, 1186, 1191 et, - .,...,,...,.,.,.. 94, 864, 1136 for stationery, etc . . . 346, 348, 523 Dulrayer iander, Navy, for contingent expenses 348, limit of cost increased of designated .. 156 504, 523, 1039, 1042, 1159, 1186 Detached Enlisted Mah List, Army, _ for electoral v0§as._ ... . 1159 enlisted men not usigned to gluty m my nv for ar Trade Board SBCYJOH, reapptwr u_9 D acndlg-a.nch, ity? ga be carried 011 .. no priation- . . ... 0 at {7ic¢r8’_ M . my, details from Secret Service Division, Treas- _ officers not asqzgued to any branch, etc., to ury De artmeut, Qlowed- . . 174, 883, 1370 be carried on .. _ ... _ . ... 775 pamport regulgxions rxgodided . : .. 750 Ddonptngf F uzes (see Explosrvcs, Hngh). Department of the Intmur (see Intenor De· Drums, gel? { _ _ 5_9 u_2 partment). sppropnz 1011 or nver _ service. . . _ . , o Degogtmmts, Government, pay of river earners m- _ ds of, procuring stores, ctc., from _ creasev1 ... 1. . .: ... lla}. another, or bureau, to be subject to budge authorized games Detrmt: Rxver st._. 1439 uisition of department, etc., fur- may bndge Amencsu Channel of Detrmt

 the game. ,_,, .  613 RiV€1' to BGHB IBIS -~·-·--·- · ·-·-·· 407

D svailzbiejfufltwu yeas. 613 Dcgrqg Riwtix _ ed Am _ el eportati , n veau om across encan ¤dditinCuTLa10c1£ssubject to ex ulsiou if D of, to1$e11e Isle, Detroit, Mich .. 407 found by Secretary of Lugar to be Detroit, Mxch., to Canada I . 1439 myjgigjblg _____ _ , , , , ,,,_ 593 · p1’10I' consent of’C8I\Bd& 1`6q\.UI€d --··-- 1439

   enemies ,,,,. ,  _. . 593 Devils Lalle Agency, H . Ddk., _

convmtcd mnco August 1, 1914, of vw- appropmmomfor support, etc., of Iudmns _ lstiug the Espionage Act . . 594 i at .». . . . 19, 434. 12.>9