Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1536

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lxviii INDEX. District of Ooluvnbm-—Continued. _ _ Page. Distrm of Coluimbiq C0d6.A.77lC7!{17ib87LZ8-—COD. Page. legal holiday in, for review of Fpst D1- Sec. 123a. F1duc1ary authonzod to convision, American Exped1tiox1a.ry tinue business of decedent. Z .. - 556 Forces, September 17, 1919. ... 283 Soc. 126. Enforcing duty of f:ic@uc1ary.._.. 557

 Of hotel pl-Opyietcrs for   pr?. SCC. 1373. Pnor   not   Whlle

my 0* gum, e*°·· “m“**"; °°“ i· oe 1§6“’%;§d€§%%;é;‘»;‘ maxi; 9.;;; 557 tions. ... . . 1081 L c· - ‘ _ S limitation on car fangs for 1921 increased. - 1156 P1`°€°°d-mgS· · ·_ · ; ··-···~· ; ·--~ _· - · · 557 on temporary S€l'V1C€B,• 1920, increased,. 1020 S80 198- JUIY Commission? qualifications, midshipmen allowed to, increasod to five. - 140 S €t°§ -1- · - ; ···- -_ ·---···--·-- · ·-·· · gg; m·>¤¤¤·o¤€ *0 mk ¤¤gé¤o vom ¤*O¤··;¥<; r S22; $33; J3r‘;°‘%3§£,?r01§,’§?.§§g:;;:;;;:;:;; 558 §3I;l;g¥i;r€?1¥1_’_TR _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 1062 Sec. 201. Sealing, keepiug,_ etc., of box. . 558 municipal court, jurisdiction enlarged 1310 gg? ¥§1_I‘;1?§1}gt?r¤gf(grg'I]i:¢l&;é" ’ ’ P¤Ym€m§ag§p$§ 1g*2‘3~u';°I;1_ Soc. 204. lzmyviing of {jurors by {ot _ » gran gumrs .. proved from uly 1 1919 272 assignment etc ___________________ _ 559 plans for increasing watexi supgly, atc., to pohco, juvénilo, ctn., court jurom. . 559 bq grepared by Water owet Com- 1068 gubstituto for peisgn gfoad,(§;c.. 560 m1$10¤ ..-.-··.---- .. . osoalmg` etc. x ter w- appropriation for expenses. . . : . . . I . . - 1068 ing . . . . . ’ . I .. 560 plapts and plant products, resmctmns 1u.. 726 Sec. 207. Number, ctc., of names m box; pohco pay, etc., modified .. . .. 363 record ,...,.,, 560 preference in clerical, etc., appointments Sec. 208. Filling vacancies. . 560 heroaftoriu, to honombly discharged Sec. 209. Special veuiroin criminal caaos.. 560 soldiers, otc., ox·_their vqiQows .. 37 Soc. 213. Punishment for frauds on jury to wéwos of mcapacuated myured sol- 37 box,gtc ,_., . ,,,,,,__,,,_,______ ,, 560 im etc. ·-...-·.--·- by ommisaioners ... 560 property of Washington Market Com- Soc. ZI8? Admission of attorneys . . 561 gumy to be taken over, used, etc., Sec. 219. Sus ending, expelling, otc.,memy_the Government. , . 1441 bers otpthe bar ..- . , 561 exceptnlixg schcefoééigdcers and teachers, 614 Soc. 212:921. Qggiibmmwt for offenses of moral 561 P0 <’8,¤·¤ GD ·-.-·- - -----·-- _ · 1 6-- ·---·-.·.-...--.-.·. public gchool toa.chcrs’ retirement prow- Soc. 22(giqbiabarmont proceedings .. - 561 owns .. _ .-.·.. _ . .; ...-.·- 387 Soc. 276. Admjuistmuon of estates, forpurcha§c a};;1;01·;zod giblluldmgs gs egutled; surviving husban in- _1 OY C ‘ c u e . . . 561 sxgers, ejac, ._ ..·.. 1060 Sec. 277. Bdy widow, surviving husband or real estate B\1bd.lVlSl0IlS; payment, etc., of 119 Se gg-an child .,.,,,,,.. . ... 561 taxesouncwnsy. .. . 5 0.278. By are t .. . .. 561 mot profiwering pgovxmous .. 298 Sec. 279. By grotgxleis or sisters . . 562 retuement provxsmns for annual om· Sec. 280. By next of km . 562 ployoes of,_for ago or disability 614 Soc. 306. Duties of collectors; personal smud:1.r<1s of weights and measure for, estoteneal estate . . 562 established. . . : ... 1217 commissions allowed . 562 depaggxxnf of vzesghts, measures, and 1217 S s§3e;:i:t%_a11th0xity as to real estato 562 e s crm e< .. . ec, _ ‘ ti g 1, statement of buildings in, routed for Gov- lectoxgrgl? fj?. fi . . . . 562 emmnmt use, to indicate cost per Soc. 308. Recovery of property not degqugrg fpm; for care, ek-,, of space, , 69], livgred _,,__,_,__,__,___,_,, _ _,,_, 562 statements of naval services of &ors0us Soc. 308a. Service of process upon ¤oufrom, who served in World ’ar, to resident fiducianes; power of attorbo furnished outhorigies thereof 815 ney to registerof wills .. 562 traffic reguhmons gn public park§,_9tC., Sec. 310. Appraisers; authority extended ignrlor exclusive control of (bmi of 898 Sec to letters of collection _____________ 563 ugmeers .. . .. .321.A. ts f sta · b use of Government Fool Yards trucks for colleggr a.¢;l)dei1..F?? 563 mumcipal hauling permitted; pay- Secs. 374-377. Distribution of estates of in- _ mont -·-- _ -··--~···-~---------·-- 913 ¢o¤’¤o¢oS;Sur‘~i~"i1>g husband added-- 563 Zomni Qommxssmn created to !;€gU1?t€ Sec. Causes for attachment; actions _ _ mght, areg, and use of bmldmgsm. 500 U1 municipal court included ... 563 D1§g;.c€,6;fFolq1;)z;>1a Code Am,ev&dmgn£s,_ Sec. 455. Releases from attachmenvunder- . .. . qre;1 e entry an etamer takin fil d `th C · ldeo . - " jnun1c1p·al couyt jur§sdic{:ioni.u 555 Sec. 4f9a. Egorxxgs J?b0n§£tn‘:{ uudert.ak— 064 Ser:. 35. Jiudgments m clzums for property n _ mgs - .. . ... 564 Qowod upon --·- - ---·-·------·-·-- oo5 1¤<1s:mo¤¤¤ on: ordinary law or equify Sec. 65. General term powers of supreme __ remcdy not recluded ...,,. 564 eqogrévroééiés --·-»--·----·--------··-- ggg 511 o¤ goods of fiduoiarios op- . _ .. - .-·-.-·.-·------·· p oo o ·.. 565 Sec. 67. Cczrtxfying cases from one justice Sec. 479b. Damages under bond { I to onothor ------ _ --·-·---·---—-·--~ 556 ¤¤¤i¤i¤;2 orders. etc.; counsel 565 Sec. H2; Pegsouatgsenuco of process on 556 Sec. 484;;. Condemmuion of private land; nresxden _ . : . _ so action of commissi era b · Sec. 115a. Luuacyprocoedxngs; gurytnals. 556 commission .,.,... (il? , 565